Naw. If I had more money a relationship is awesome. Money aside, it’s nice to be able to talk to someone, go out on dates and really show your true self and be intimate with someone. Without that, life just feels like a lonely, hollow race to death.

I think I have the opposite of this lol. I dress very nice, wear nice jewelry, try my best to look good. But I don’t necessarily make a lot right now and can’t give a lot. Which was one of the catalysts for my ex leaving lol. She was tired of me not being able to give her certain things. I think initially based on my appearance, I seemed like I had more to offer.

20 is so young man. Start setting little goals for yourself, and that can help you gain more confidence, which in turn can lead to growth. Have nothing to do? Maybe start working out and setting goals for fitness. Maybe start taking some classes at a community college and getting your generals done. That might spark an interest and also allow you to make friends. You just gotta start doing small things and see where it takes you.

LOL. Hoooooh buddy. Idk how old you are, but its only gonna get worse as you get older. This was one of the main reasons my ex broke up with me. She was okay with it at first, but then she wasnt. I would usually pay for the dinners when we went out. But she would too occasionally, we would go back and fourth with food, other little shit. Eventually she said she didnt want to sound spoiled but brought up I didnt do more, and I didnt pay for stuff like her gas. Just paying for dinners isnt enough. I can tell she was getting frustrated because she kept wanting me to buy her a new phone. Asking me when I was gonna get a better job, etc. You guys seem young since shes not working, but the older you get, the more thats expected of you. Sorry man.

Cried when my ex left me a few months ago. Never cried about anyone until then.

It’s a little weird, but I’m not gonna really be one to judge. Adults can find whoever they want attractive.

1 maybe 2. But at least 1. Doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen tho.

Hookups to me are weird because when I have sex I like to go down on a girl, but I’m not gonna do that with strange pussy. I also don’t like kissing strangers. It’s just too risky so I would just have to do only PIV which isn’t that fun to me. Also I always get stage fright whenever I’ve tried to do it which is embarrassing.

I don’t know anything, I’m done, I’ve completely cut myself off from the situation, along with anyone that’s still cool with her. Idk if she had her life where she wanted it. She had a better job than me, I guess that’s about it. She wanted to go back to school but was still figuring that out. She still lives with her parents like me. She had a kid with a deadbeat. But she was very materialistic with certain things. Wanted to buy expensive bags, wanted to go on trips (which I was actually saving up for before we broke up). Wanted to go out to eat every weekend.

I guess she didn’t think I could become successful enough for her or I was taking too long. I’m assuming she was getting bored of me and met this other guy and deduced he would be a better prospect and she made her decision. I understand we are in our 30s and she wanted a certain level of income and lifestyle, which is why I was sort of understanding.

As far as passion, she said she has to water her personality down to be with me, and doesn’t get to do the things she wants to do. Which is crazy considering she used to say all she did was stay in and watch her daughter before we got together. I’m pissed off that she didn’t even talk to me about it at all, just dropped it all on me. And had another guy lined up to take my place.

Point is, while I agree with some things, all of that shit becomes irrelevant when clearly the biggest reason you want to end it is you found someone else you think is better. Instead she leaves that out and basically puts me down like I’m some screw up and I’m the bad guy, when she was the one that’s fucked up.

I have no idea. She basically blamed me for everything when she broke up with me. Stating I didn’t do enough, not passionate, taking to long to figure my life out, etc. which I actually thought were all valid, but could have been something we could speak about and I can work on if she actually talked to me about it instead of dumping it all on me at once.

But she broke up with me and I had to learn through mutual people we knew she already was with some other guy, calling him her man and all that like right after we broke up. Which obviously means they were already talking and associating with each other before we even ended.

Idk. I think people equate the wrong things to attraction when bringing up the asshole vs nice guy arguments. Women aren’t attracted to assholes. They are attracted to the traits that they usually have. That’s charm, charisma, excitement, stuff like that. The problem with the average nice guy is that he’s boring. Of course there are damaged women who just like drama, but for the most part I think women like to be entertained, and nice guys have a hard time doing that.

People will call bullshit but it’s true. No woman in her 30s wants a man making minimum wage, no matter how good of a person he is. Even if she gives you a chance, she will eventually look elsewhere if you don’t get it together. And there’s also nothing wrong with that. You can’t build a life when you don’t have money. No one wants to struggle. Honestly the best avenue is to figure out the career situation in your 20s and get serious with relationships in your late 20s early 30s.

Oh shut up. I hate this. Trying to guilt trip someone out of a suicide is fucking stupid. Not saying the guy should do it, he should definitely seek professional help, but man people are so weird about it sometimes. What if no one loves him? What then?

Then you better start making some moves/changes to figure it out. Speaking as someone in that boat. I can feel time ticking.

Literally me. Trying to go back to school and get a better career in my mid 30s in just sad and draining.

Yes. And most of us know from experience. I’m sure low self esteem is a factor. Sometimes low self esteem is also a symptom of what you experience too.

I used to go back and fourth on marriage. I come from a broken home, so I always thought I would never get married. Then some of my siblings did and seemed to find good partners. I recently went through a breakup, I thought everything was fine, then she just broke up with me one day and left me for another dude. It really brought me back to there being no reason to be married. Imagine I was married to this girl and she just decided to fuck me over one day and we had to go through some stupid BS because she decided she didnt love me anymore. Theres no reason to take that chance. Prenups dont even hold up sometimes, you really are trusting someone not to fuck you over, and have no protection for yourself.

Not that much better. I do have more money. Not a lot by adult standards tho. Still lonely with 0 prospects just like I always was.

I don’t understand the thought process. Why do people think signing a legal document means you are somehow more committed. People divorce everyday, so this logic makes no fucking sense. Marriage doesn’t stop people from cheating. Or leaving. Or getting tired of each other.

Marriage is a nice gesture and great in theory. The problem is divorce exists. Making marriage a more complicated version of dating.

You can trust someone and still understand that people are people. Have you not interacted with humans? I can trust someone, and still want to protect myself in the off chance things change. People change all the time. I never thought my ex would leave me for another guy, but she did.

I can love someone and give them my all, there’s no guarantee that they will feel the same in 10 years. I’m not necessarily against marriage, but I would at least want a prenup. It’s not a lack of trust, it’s a safeguard from being potentially fucked over because life is unpredictable. Only person you can trust in this world 100% is yourself. And even you yourself can be wrong. So it’s probably not even 100.

From whatever the goal or thing you are learning is. Want to learn how to draw? Start practicing and finding groups to get feedback, compare your new stuff to your old stuff. Want to learn excel? Take a course and get validation after completing it and knowing you have a skill.

Me too man. I’m starting to try to really lay out a plan and stick to it. Funny enough it took my ex basically calling me a lazy bum (she said it in a nicer way, but 100% what she meant) and breaking up with me, for me to really feel the need to figure it out.

Nothing fills it. Well I’m assuming. Honestly, probably a good job so I don’t have to worry about money. A good partner I can trust and spend my time doing things with. A family. I’m guessing that’s what will fill it for me, but idk if that’s ever gonna happen. I got a long way to go, and the family thing may be too late for me if I don’t figure everything else out soon.

Never be someone’s last resort. You should be their first option, otherwise you guys will probably just resent each other.