You may like to try which offers a lot of variety in the major cities but as ever be cautious of fakes.

Hey from across the ditch šŸ˜„. Try a few apps and create a few detailed profiles as I canā€™t give advice on the preferred app in NZ. I believe the common practice is to meet potentials in person in a public place to assess chemistry, before engaging in discussion about PPMs and allowances. If the POT canā€™t come to you, they may may transfer a reasonable amount for your travel, either before or after you travel. POTs should also pick up the costs of the date, drinks, a meal etc.

These polls need to be taken with caution. This is a sample of sugar lifestyle reddit readers that like to engage reddit polls, not a sample of the sugar lifestyle community

The interested SDs may have messages that include full sentences and fewer acronyms. Use of positive emojis and exclamations ! They compliment your physical attractiveness. They describe what they hope to find, and respond in detail to all the different aspects of your Wants list and describe how they consider they would be a good fit.

Perhaps itā€™s best to ease out of your comfort zone slowly, as with experience your personal tastes may expand over time. For now, perhaps state your preferred type with a clear description in your bio, and donā€™t consider any profiles without a face pic. One day who knows thin lips may be sexy.

Thus here is the lesson. OP submits to the manipulator, no boundaries. Should we be prepared to walk away ?Yes. Will we have regret ? Yes. But rinsing regret is worse.

Iā€™m sure many SDs have come across this situation. An SB loves to chat via text but never meets. SB is a mix of ā€˜datingā€™ and ā€˜textingā€™ - ie dexting.

Possibly there is an element of control here, by both parties. It may be part of SDā€™s makeup that he still feels he has the prerogative of ā€˜rewardingā€™ you after, making it less transactional for him. A need for control is not necessarily an issue if trust has previously been established for both.

I donā€™t use Seeking but I think it possible. Good communication helps. You would be well served to state I want to build trust first and No Married / Attached Men in your profile. I know people lie about their status but hopefully you would avoid truthful attached men.

I see lots of blurred / drawn through face pics on Secret Benefits, so I struggle to understand too. The pics are assessed by a bot, so perhaps just try again ?

This dress sense might be also known as ā€œNeat Casualā€. Iā€™m rather a fan because most meeting places with nice food and drink would accept this attire. I like an SB to feel comfortable the first time as well.

Not an SB and not exactly on-topic but can you share your fitness and diet routine ?

The well hung should be earning consent on how much they give.

The fact of your being in medical school should be a reminder of where your real time priorities are, and certain others need a reality check. As there are future challenges with this career I am grateful for your wish to serve the health of others and want to encourage it.

I wish I knew about the number of sex workers, who ought to be looking after their own product marketing and advertising, piggybacking on the Secret Benefits system to access SDs, and then just carry on in M&Gs as though they are sex workers šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

It feels like grief, almost like the loss of a loved one, or the One that got away. I have felt this, it comes from acute emotional loss, even though you are actually perfectly functional and ought to be able to carry on without them. Eventually you decide the feeling does not assist anything or help anyone. After years of grieving Iā€™ve resolved this through knowing beforehand that everyone you love leaves you, or you have to leave them. Doing what you can today is a good way to inoculate yourself against the feeling of loss in future.

I have only done PPMs and donā€™t know anyone well enough to have a stable, exclusive, trusting, long term SR. Condoms give everyone freedom from anxiety and allows more fun.

I think there is a natural advantage in relating to women here. You are trusted more readily than some painful arrogant men. Why not play it to your advantage ? The world moves in accordance with your expectations of it ā€¦ perhaps think about your Day Game and begin the flirt earlier, rather than just be the big brother good listener.

The last time this happened to me I thought about career change (yep, even more study). I had to think hard to make the change meaningful, which then influenced the course of study I would take, then find that other career. Itā€™s been six years since taking the jump, but I now feel much better, and even believe I have pushed back an early death.

It appears Dave will stoop to anything to give justification to his conspiracies. Perhaps consider him small minded and bored. He is a big red flag. No doubt he will unwittingly burn his own bridges to anyone he cares about even without their input.