Maybe, but we do have gators in Dallas, so you'll never know.

I'm born abd raised in Dallas bro and I can say your accurate af. We're pretty chill fan base and all we want is to compete, and if we go all the way, it's a bonus.

Hopefully you won't be caved in a blizzard πŸ˜†

Bruh I live in the Great state of Texas we got it good around here. I don't know nobody moving to Boston. Dallas Metro is the #1 fastest growing metro. Boston might be a vibe, but I never thought of going there sorry .

Bra I just asked 20ppl around here would they even visit Boston. Most of them thought Boston was in New Jersey πŸ˜†

Man your crazy nobody's moving to Boston

Speak no evil. Because they were idiots to stay that long.

Hand sanitizer works. I'm a chef and I drop some once.

Yea that's my homeboy lol and they're statewide now. I got some on my 300. It's a culture thing.

You forgot Dallas bro πŸ˜ͺ

40 on Dallas at Sam's last weekend fellas in sorry yall pay so much 😭