I really do think they are bc there's nothing malicious about this...

I'm 24 you old hag 😓I'm just not a self righteous ignoramus who makes themself feel better by cyber bullying ppl on the internet. Get a grip Kaestar1986. How am I younger than you and I've worked past being a hater?

Well apparently she is cooler than yall bc yall are acting like she murdered your dog over an outfit and some innocent words. You're trying too hard to seem like you don't need to visit a therapist for your insecurity issues. Get a better hobby 🤮🤢

Also you looking 25 has nothing to do with anything. You're just a hater fr

And? You're one of those ppl who concerns themselves that badly with what other ppl wear and do? LAME

all I see in the comments are a bunch of really bitter people. My mom always says "I'm too old to dress like x" and it's bc of women that hate like the ladies in the comments. Just a bunch of vitriolic, self righteous women.

why do y'all hate women who dress however they want regardless of their age?

Not the "I wanted to send it to my boys gc because it felt good" I got the same excuse. He cheated many times.

He's not your best friend. He's your biggest hater. He real life hates you and is probably praying on your downfall. Most abusers are. Be open about the abuse when it happens, stop leaving yourself a route to go back when you know it doesn't serve your kid or you.

Paranoia is unjustified suspicion. As far as I'm concerned, a lot of people deserve a deeper lens and understanding before they can be trusted.

I don't think that it is not justified given the wonky way that people act. If they were truthful, I wouldn't have to be "suspicious." I'm suspicious of people and entities that hide their true intentions and faces.

Just bought it, thanks for the rec 🙏🏾😭

I feel this! I'm at a new job and I always feel overwhelmed when we're talking in a group. I just disrupt the flow of conversation. It's crushing me. Because I've always done well one-on-one and been really bad at friend groups. I just don't get the dynamic.

I guess it's really gonna be like this forever. I think I'm just gonna have to go by playground rules and make friends that way.

That's a him thing fs. He's a manipulator and all of them do that. My sag ex was like that but it wasn't his sign that made him like that. All abusers tend to abuse in the same way, I think placements just give their abuse a certain pizazz. I hope you're doing better ❤️

That makes sense, I think scorpios like to be the more obsessive one

!!! I've never been mean first! I just do revenge really well and people play the victim afterwards.

I so feel you. It's like fire and ice 🥵 I'm a Scorpio too.

I love those who are stubborn like me but in a different way. Taurus and Leo are my favorite now that I've evolved in my sign ❤️ idk it just makes life more interesting. They challenge me.

I'm a Scorpio sun, Scorpio rising, Libra moon. I've dated two Sagittarius and a Virgo. Virgo never did me wrong. But boy, Sagittarius is flighty, very intense, and usually rules for thee not for me type.

I can do intense, it's just gotta be fair. Sagittarius/Libra/Cancer make good friends for me. I try not to date Cancers because they're a little too soft for me.

I'm surprised scorpios don't give you enough attention. Most of the ones I know tend to get a little obsessive about their person.

Yes. Because I know what he's capable of and I know he's never gonna change.

The consequence he faces is being himself. He'll never experience love like me. He'll probably be alone at the end of his life when it really matters. Eventually people get tired of abusers. They age too and people become fatigued with their behavior.

Even if I don't tell people exactly what he did to me, people will always have that sneaking suspicion and distrust that I planted. It's only a matter of time before his masks slips. Meanwhile, I get to live life without the abuser. I get to smile genuinely everyday. All the big issues that I had are small. My health is better and I get a new life. You do too!