I have been out of my abusive relationship for quite awhile now, and my life has improved tremendously. I’m sure from the outside looking in it looks like I’m “winning” in every possible way (I’ve made sure of that), however, I can’t stop feeling like I’ve lost and I will always be the one who loses.

I’m really struggling with the fact that my ex will never face any consequences for what he has done. Nobody knows what he did to me, nobody knows how severe it was, and even if I tried to tell someone, nobody would believe me. And it would only affirm the lies he’s been spreading about me since before we even started dating.

The lies about me and my character were set up so far in advance, and continued throughout our entire relationship, to paint me as the abuser and just a completely psychotic villain. I know since we’ve broken up the lies have only gotten worse… and I’m struggling a lot with this as well. I will never be able to defend myself. To certain people in this world, he has total control over my reputation, and I can’t even imagine how poorly he speaks of me to others or what lies he has come up with as time has passed. To make matters worse, he has intimate photos of me that he could do whatever he wants with at any time. This is absolutely the worst type of control he could have over me, and he will have that forever.

I have come a very long way since leaving this relationship but I still feel like there’s no way I will ever “win.” I try to find comfort in the fact that he will have to answer to God for everything he put me through, but it doesn’t feel fair that right now I just have to let this all happen without a fight. How are you working through this? I just can’t seem to get past it. I dreaaaaaaam about telling the world who he is, and being believed. But it seems like the only way anyone would believe me is if I was dead. I dreaaaaaaam about being extremely successful, to finally have some kind of “win” over these people, but that dream quickly turns into a panic attack when I remember he could just post intimate photos of me online or send them to people I know and ruin everything I ever accomplish. I hate that I still feel trapped. I’m still hurting all the time. I just want this season of my life to be over but I feel like it will never end.