Unfortunately so relatable... as I stare down at my girl laying next to her cooked dinner with the saddest starving face on...

"Our community now more than ever is here." ☠️

Genuine gelato would not have the mounds in the display. This is more a show off, but compromised the texture with too much air

My husky girl also carries her bowl around, usually pretty good about not spilling anything.

The girls in the flower dress and jean jacket are the only ones with a brain... Dogs and money honey is allll you need.

Can confirm, have selective hearing husky

So right, I'm sure you could do better.

What about a single woman over 30? Asking for a friend... of course.

But he didn't say No Scowling.... Did that immediately

Used to work at Lush and have seen many a kids take a chomp out of things... Specifically the aroma melt bars that kinds look like chocolate bars, even had one that smelled like it

It's the millisecond nod at the very end after she says it that kills me

Yup, my girl who has some wolfie does this exact thing with the roll over and legs