Back in High School, we used to put rocks inside our geography teachers pockets during class.

A perfect skipping stone or finding a stick that looks like a gun. Pure bliss

Så dem også. Gik lige og håbede på noget sekt-agtigt, men det er noget CBS afholder. Fra deres hjemmeside:

“On the 15th of April Center for Owner-Managed Businesses hosts a conference on owner-managed businesses long-term planning, owner-clarification and opportunities for the future.”

I’d say that “Hustru” is The female equivalent of “Spouse” and that “Kone” simply translates to “Wife”.

They work The same way in Danish as in English. You could say “This is my spouse” but would never say “We are husbond and spouse”.

Therefore “Kone” should be used in this context.

I enjoy his early work with The Police

My impression is that most tourists stay in Centrum. Some may wander as far as Langelinie for The Little Mermaid or go to Christiania, but other than that it seems to me that they stay within walking distance of Nyhavn/Tivoli.. so the most overlooked gem would be Copenhagen.

Selling Beers and Smørrebrød to the people who are on Påskeferie. No rest for the wicked

Skindbuksen og Hviids Vinstue har begge kørt værtshus i omkring 300 år ( den ene lidt under den anden lige på). Rosengårdens Bodega har skudhuller fra krigen. Arbejdermuseet er et skønt sted. Kan ikke komme på andet. Det skulle lige være de franske krigsgrave eller andre spøjse gravsteder på assistens.. Men der er generelt ret mange fede ornamenteringer på bygningerne i kbh, hvis man kigger op

Second this..

Tune the “ High D” to an E on the guitar and adjust the chord shapes accordingly. Travis picking or similar styles have some of the same 2-3 finger picking patterns that we use on the banjo. I myself came from Doc Watson style fingerpicking to the banjo, so it Can be done in reverse.

I couldn’t get myself to throw it out.. It lives in my basement and will probably stay there until I move it to another basement.. The 5th string peg is broken, The neck is made of plastic and The action is higher than Snoop Dogg.. But I’ll never get rid of it..

Phones with polyphonic ringtones and WAP connections and Ferrero Rocher.


3cl Galliano 3 Cl Vodka 250 ml Æblelort

Ryst over is, flødeskum og kaneldrys på toppen. Forhåbentlig kan sprutten tage den grimme smag eller få dig til at glemme hvor kedelig nektaren er.

Der mangler en Dagli’ Brugsen og en forretning der sælger havetraktorer - og knallerter, nogle steder -. Og så måske en lukket bager

I own a 4-string Soundgear. They’re ugly as sin, but Sound really good and play well enough. Lots of bass for not so much money.

Looks a lot like a nicer quality, 5-string version of my Ibanez Soundgear. Same PUP, bridge, tuners, etc. Ibanez SDG/Doundgear is my best bet

Mine is a four string Ibanez SRX400

There was a pizzeria on Tagensvej where you could buy a “pizza without dough” for 600kr. They’d then give you a pizza box with a gram of cocaine inside.

I found that thrifting in the suburbs of Copenhagen you often get older clothes usually owned by senior citizens/older people. They are usually in a looser/wider fit, being from a time before slim fit/etc. Oftentimes it’s stuff from the 80-90’s. Beware of shoulderpadding Speaking as a man.