I am a Black Woman engaged to a White Man and we comment all the time about how quiet and uneventful things are for us. We expected more of a reaction than we've ever gotten. I consider us lucky that its been a non-issue.

lol I was listening to it the other night and my 19 year old daughter text me and said she hates it that it’s annoying.

Country grammar or anything from Nelly’s first album.

Omg. He looks just like my boy!!!


When did you graduate?? I went to SU for undergrad as well….many moons ago lol

Thank you! No need to apologize. I’m just in my mid 40s so he was someone I had a crush on growing up. Now the younger graduates he could def be the daddy lol

Lol I’m old so I think he’s only a little older than me.

I love lucky charms so this caught my eye!!

Y’all are so sweet. He was very nice, he’s a Syracuse alum so he spoke at our “black” graduation and I was selected as a student speaker.

Yes his has the hoodie and pockets. I love it!!!

The best advice I ever received was to network more. I knew a lot of people but I never used that to my advantage.

I think it was partially luck. I knew people that worked at the organizations and they knew my experience and work ethic. I think it would’ve been much harder to make myself stand out otherwise. I work hard and do a good job but they definitely took a chance on me.

I literally fell into it. I was doing casework with children and then an opportunity opened up at another agency working with their employees who had problems. They were pretty much the same problem the children and families I worked with previously had. I did that for a year and a half, earned a promotion and then another role presented itself at a different agency that was director level and I went for it. My trajectory was fast and definitely not the norm.