Same thing with my local Walmart, but they got in the digital exclusive Batman (3 of them) and put them in the video game section with those collectibles like the page punchers.

But shit it was .99 cents!

Guess my favorite Marvel character and get a Marvel Snap Pax East Code!Question

Pax East goer but I don’t play Marvel Snap. Want to give the code to someone that will use it. First person to guess my favorite Marvel character will win the code!

There has been a winner! Thanks for guessing!

I shall make it my mission to get you a code!


Modeled my Durge after Doomsday from DC Comics.


Dragonborn bard

It looks like another smaller boat maybe?

Sadly, this is the worst of the tomorrowverse so far.

They made a worse version of the Emerald Twilight/Parallax story line. They stole Kyle’s origin and gave it to John, which is a disservice to both characters. There were some good things about it, I did the animation and Ollie was spot on.

Absolutely love this show so far. It’s a great modern take and mixes elements from classic Superman origins and New 52 that I was thought was super neat!

Smash smash smaaaaaash!