I’ve been joking about this for years. No way in hell could I start speaking to some guy in a club; I wouldn’t recognize him anymore, if I lost him in a crowd 😅 Same goes for girls. As much as it seems to be an universal “issue”, I find Spain and Sweden quite on top of this

I do. Ever since I’ve started having migraines, when it hits me, I get really nauseous. But this year I started puking too. As soon as I try to get up, sit upright, or God forbid if I’m in a car.. all of it would send me puking. And I don’t get relief. On the contrary, I think it adds extra pressure in my head 🫠

I feel like the second one is very in now, you know, the 00’s rotation? But would you enjoy it in two, three years too? Personally, I’d choose the first one, it won’t go out of style 😉

Surya sells if not almost identical, very similar rugs 😉 And they are available on Amazon

According to my derm, it could be two different things; one of them is dyshidrotic eczema. I don’t remember the other one, however, not related to psoriasis 😉 Personally, I’ve got a lot of different skin issues apart from psoriasis, but as others pointed out, if “this is all you got”, I wouldn’t worry!

I also have this from time to time & I’m going to ask my dermatologist tomorrow, so let’s see!

I’ve used it and it’s helped always within few days, but no peeling. Can it be related to the amount of the foam used on that particular area? I’ve been told to use just a tiny bit

It’s scary how it took me just few sentences to realize you’re most likely in the US - such approach is quite unheard of in Europe, not so mention extremely unprofessional. Doctors pushing their personal agenda on you instead of trying to find real solutions?? Say what? I’m sorry you had to experience this. Switch doctors, and best of luck with everything 🐱🙏

My few cents: I’ve been there. Fell in love with a Spaniard from the south and looking back, the acceptance of his family was one of the things we have had issues throughout our relationship.

I’m from another European country and while we are not the most open minded, my family is and doesn’t judge, would not question me/my partner unless it was necessary (say bankruptcy, etc). I also have tattoos and didn’t speak Spanish when I moved here.

As time went on, I could understand, but not defend myself. My ex went on not reacting (for not ruffling feathers within the family), or twisting my opinions, not translating correctly. I was so angry. When we were in my country, some familiars treated me like traitor, “stealing” their loved one. I simply wasn’t a Spanish girl. I was never quite up to par, never mind having a higher education than him, and better paid jobs. When we announced marriage, one grandma said “it’s not a religious ceremony, so it doesn’t count.”

After many years together we ended up divorcing. Some people are like my real family, others have need to dig at me over 2 years later for our relationship, or money.

Some battles are lost even before they start. Make sure your partner supports you no matter what, but his family being VOX folks.. I’d run.

Thank you! I’ll look it up

😞 Have you noticed any correlation of their appearance with diet/stress? I feel like mine are really random

• Cold air in the room • Putting feet in as hot water as possible and let them in for a few minutes. It’s worked for me a few times, as weird as it sounds!

I had my worst migraine attack on holidays, alone with my toddler. Light and sound sensitivity, plus every attempt to stand up sent me vomiting. They were the nicest, watching cartoons, coming to see me to the bathroom, flushing the toilet (haha), but I’m terrified of this happening again. The worst thing, honestly, when you feel like dying and you still gotta take care of someone😩

I’ve been diagnosed just a month ago, but I’ve also had similar patches on my arms, even in size. I wondered what are these about 😕

Honestly, I’ve had tonsillitis SO MANY times, if something similar happens again, I want to get them removed haha

I had the infection in December, sorry for not making it clear 😊 My dermatologist didn’t specify. Something healed on its own in 3 months, rest just wouldn’t go and was scaling, I’m not sure if that’s happening with guttate too?

I must admit at this point I’m fine with steroids, but my only worry is that I had covered big areas (back & stomach), so I can imagine thinning of skin could be an issue over time

Thank you so much for all of this. I’ll keep an eye on the bumps then! My dermatologist has me on Enstilar for a month, and use a special shower gel. So far so good, my skin has definitely calmed down, but I must say when I don’t use Enstilar on some spots they get a bit pink hue pretty quick. Which makes me think (and worry) about a rebound too.

New scales?general

Hi all!

After months of struggling with a “weird skin issue” triggered by incredible amount of stress and streptococcus infection, I was diagnosed with psoriasis few weeks ago.

I was prescribed Enstilar that worked as a miracle and my skin healed up within few days. But now I have noticed few small bumps (almost like acne) with a dry look on my arms.

Being new to this, I wonder how do your new scales look like? Or how do you notice a new flare up? 🤔

Hi, yes, but it took OVER 3 months AND I’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis 😔

Finally made it to the dermatologist and THANK YOU for pointing me the right direction with your comments. It is actually psoriasis 😕

It looked a bit worse after few sessions. But whatever it is, it’s slowly healing (crossing fingers). It’s left some weird pigmentation behind and I still have my stomach to deal with, but hopefully it’ll be gone soon!

I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this for such a long time and it makes you feel this way. You’re incredibly strong! I’m waiting for my dermatologist appointment, pretty sure I’ve developed psoriasis, and let me tell you: when I look at others, I see their suffering, but I don’t consider it “as bad”, or ugly looking as I see it on myself. Somehow, it’s easier to accept it on others, than on myself. But your feelings are 100% valid!


Your comment actually made me search a bit more and I think I might have developed psoriasis 😞 I had tonsillitis and this whole thing appeared like within a week. Hopefully I’ll get hold of some dermatologist earlier than in May 😞