Today i went to the dr a Then after mentioning my sex life and my journey with vaginismus she simply said “have you thought of just not having sex ?” This was after I told her I didn’t wanna be monogamous right now and she even wrote that down of how many partners I’ve had! I feel very judged. She told me that the tired ness and fatigue I’ve been feeling (but I have aniemia) could be also of me not being mongoumus which doesn’t make sense and she said to go see my phychitrist. All I wanted was her to do some test’s because it’s been like this for months and it doesn’t feel right .

Then 2 months ago I went to an urgent care dr who went on a jesus rant about not having premarital sex and that vaginismus must be a result of it. She said if I keep having premarital sex that my mental health will decline along with my physical … this is just against dr patient code right??