Finally got a job that lets me also live my life. Enough money for rent, toys, and weed. Most of the people who annoy me don't call me anymore. I peacefully coexist with another human, a beautiful cat, and a family of plants.

The only parade outside of parade day

There's always $1 (and up) pizza.

"How does a modern dial a rotary phone?"

That's the neat part! It doesn't!

The telephone company owned all of the phones - you couldn't just go buy a phone at the store and plug it in. And there was no way they were letting you plug your random computer boxes into their phone lines!

So your modem had a speaker on it. You would dial the phone yourself and then stick the telephone handset on the modem with a suction cup.

Ooohh is that a gal i see? No! It's just a phallusy!

Why don't we sing all the time?I had an idea... 🧪

Why is it considered weird to sing the quarterly sales goals at the shareholders meeting?

Use Stasis on it so you can get close before it runs away. Master sword is great for chopping off specific legs one at a time. Or just swing a claymore and hit everything.

Punching through that paper was so satisfying

I had a Red Powerwheels Jeep. I lived in a farm so there were some dirt roads it could handle and some muddy fields to get stuck in.

I love spinning with a royal claymore and chopping off all their legs

The people who do glitches have developed a whole other language.Tips and Tricks

I just watched this video because i was interested in getting this elevator piece to build with.

These glitches are glitches of glitches. I am lost.


The Dude prefers to remove himself from the situation. He frequently walks away from people while they continue to talk at him. He is at his happiest when he is alone and undisturbed, e.g. lying on the rug listening to tapes, smoking in the tub, driving around.

Many people constantly push themselves to get out of their comfort zone, talk to new people, go to new places, but El Duderino only does so when he gets dragged into other people's drama.

No! Why would I know that?

I just love how indignant he sounds.

I'm already booked for the spa/mining planet

This earth is ruined. We'll have to get another one

"That’s how history unfolds. People weave a web of meaning, believe in it with all their heart, but sooner or later the web unravels, and when we look back we cannot understand how anybody could have taken it seriously. With hindsight, going on crusade in the hope of reaching Paradise sounds like utter madness. With hindsight, the Cold War seems even madder. How come thirty years ago people were willing to risk nuclear holocaust because of their belief in a communist paradise? A hundred years hence, our belief in democracy and human rights might look equally incomprehensible to our descendants." - Homo Deus A Brief History Of Tomorrow

I think it is worth acknowledging that I am sharing the planet with millions of people who live in different realities than I do. They have a religion or a philosophy or a political point of view that they take very seriously, regardless of whether i understand it. Similarly, my most deeply held beliefs might seem complete nonsense to anyone who hasn't experienced the things i have experienced.

If i go into the world thinking everyone else will be, or should be, the same as me, i am likely to be disappointed.