where does he play fast here? The whole video is a pretty slow jam

Acid reflux is the bane of my existence. Hate that shit.

Live from Radio City is such a fucking good live album.

I have a primetone and some bluechips. There are some tonal similarities but imo they feel and sound different. Bluechip def feels better in the hand.

Also, I think Primetones are made of Ultex whereas Bluechips are made of a v pricey material called Vespel.

How exactly does Coke support the occupation? Doesn't it have a factory in Gaza that is run & owned by Palestinians (through the Palestine National Beverage Company)?

EDIT: ok it has a factory in the illegal Israeli settlement of Atarot

I didn't. I dropped out once. Then I tried again at a different college, and dropped out in my last semester.

Use the Twenty Twenty Four theme and build your site with blocks. The WordPress pattern directory is also a great resource.

damn dude

Do you think they're worth it tho? I got 3 bluechips and tbh I'm not sure I like them more than my blue tortex

your pick collection costs more than my guitar 💀

every cent they earn will go towards the Gaza genocide

A statement with no basis in reality. Not only is Coke not on the BDS list, they are among the few (perhaps the only) international beverage companies with a bottling factory in the Gaza strip in partnership with the Palestinian National Beverage Company. They were even threatened with a lawsuit by a Zionist lobby group for the partnership, because the owner of the bottling company supports BDS.

I don't understand this logic of boycotting every single popular Western brand, even if it has no material or financial links to the Israeli occupation. We should focus our energy on boycotting companies that are actually complicit, like McDonald's, Domino's, Carrefour, Puma, Airbnb, Amazon etc.

You need to go to a luthier/guitar tech and get your fret ends filed down. Or you could try doing it yourself

IMO it's much more likely that your frets are the culprit and not the strings. I've never gotten a cut like that from strings, and I've tried a lot of brands and string types. It doesn't matter how old your strings are either. I've played with 2 year old strings and this never happened.