Reine makes noodlesMeme
Reine makes noodles

In Paladin this just replays whichever rogue card you played last. Though Snatch and Grab or the location are probably the only ones that would be all that good with this, since the rest are either small spells, battlecry minions.


Like why did maxwell seem he wasn't in his normal mental state?

Why a divine arftifact from the gods can summon and control a demon who is an equal to Vanir of all people?

Why did alderp give the body swaping artifact to Iris?

where did he get those artifacts in the first place?

Also why did vanir not go to Maxwell from the verry beginning ? Did he want Kazuma to get connered in order to buy all the rights to his ideas at a discount?

They all (except Raora) stayed up for the announcement at ~4am, went to sleep after a couple hours and woke up around noon here. I'd say that tracks for EU members being announced in the middle of the night.

Okayu's lore is that she's a cat owned by an old woman who owns an onigiri store, which is basically just true from what she's said on stream, so she might play into it the most.

It's 11 episodes, probably more than the usual 10 because episode 1 was more of a 'stuff we missed from the movie adaptation' episode than an actual part of this season's story.

Worth noting that both of those deaths were anime only additions - by this point in the LN, he still had never used his own death as part of a strategy, only the anime does that.


Might sound weird but that opening scene is one of my favorite moments in the whole series. The fact that the girls don't get flustered or anything like you'd expect in any other anime just shows how close and comfortable with each other they all are, which is one of my favorite things about the series. The first few volumes are good but when they're really used to being around each other from around vol 4/5 (end of s2 / movie in the anime) is when it gets great and this scene is a perfect way of showing it.

Must be great for Rin's voice actor who's been voicing the character for OVER FOUR YEARS in the gacha game to finally get to voice her in the anime, despite the fact that she appeared in the background in S1 and S2 (and should've had a speaking role if it wasn't for a chapter that got cut).

Okayu never died... She just wasn't there on the last day.

Playing a lot of Hearthstone =/= understanding digital monetization conventions

Yeah, I don't know a lot about NFTs, that's why I made this post to ask. But I am trying to talk about the system behind them - having items with serial numbers, a marketplace to trade them, etc. I couldn't care less what the clothing items they're selling actually are.

I know it's not a great representation of actual stats, but hsreplay shows warrior's winrate as the second lowest right now after rogue, so those 'peabrains' probably had some idea of what they're talking about.

A worry about Holoearth and NFTsDiscussion

From the new holoearth update post, going live in ~ 12 hours

Avatar items for sale will have limited stock.
The stock status for each item will change as follows based on the quantity remaining:

・80% or more → Stock status: packed
・Between 30% and 80% → Stock status: sufficient
・Between 10% and 30% → Stock status: limited
・Less than 10% → Stock status: almost gone
・0 stock → SOLD OUT

Sold out items may be restocked.

Please note that multiples of the same item can be purchased more than once.
In the future we are considering adding features that will offer more uses for avatar items, such as housing decoration or or trade. But as of this update, players will only be able to equip one of the same avatar item at a time, regardless of how many are held.

In addition, later we are planning to assign lot numbers and serial numbers to purchased avatar items.
Lot numbers become sold out when inventory is added and are updated when item inventory stock is replenished. Stock added at the same time will share the same lot number.
The lower the value of the lot number, the earlier the lot was sold after being added.

Serial numbers are assigned by item type and are in the order of which items are purchased from the shop.
The serial number increases as the item is purchased by players at the fashion shop; the serial number will also increment if the same player makes repeat purchases of the item.
So, the lower the number, the earlier the item was sold at the shop.

We will announce the relevant details along the update for this feature.
*As the lot number and serial number feature is under development, the implemented version may differ in some ways from what is explained here.

This sounds a hell of a lot like NFTs to me. Limited quantity digital items with serial numbers, and they're considering adding a trading market as well.

Even allowing people to buy multiples of one item which will just create digital scalpers.

All of this seems like a horrible idea and I really hope cover rethinks this, I don't see how they would without some backlash but I haven't seen anyone else talking about this either.

It's def a highroll card, but if you have a board by turn 5 and your opponent doesn't it's often GG.

Freeze after 145

After the rival fight on 145 the game doesn't continue to the next stage. I can see the pokemon I'm supposed to be fighting in the top right but it's not continuing. I tried restarting twice and both times that just forced me to replay the rival battle and I'm stuck in the same place again.

:greninja-ult: Greninja (Ultimate)

Bowser Jr and Mewtwo above Mario is an absolutely insane take

Something in Demon Hunter that's not Umpire's grasp. The class had its one thing, it was nerfed (which absolutely was deserved) and now it's back to having nothing. Happened with blindeye sharpshooter too.

Honestly, this is a really great thing to hear, and exactly what the game reads right now. In terms of winrates, standard is pretty balanced right now, but I think it's clear it's not quite balanced in the right place.

I feel like the only way to fix that is complete reworks to a bunch of cards (flash of lightning and Brann come to mind) rather than only nerfs, but we'll see what they do.

JP Tier List Keeper

JP has had a rezero rerun, but due to licensing issues it's unknown if the global version will ever get any collabs again, unfortunately.

JP Tier List Keeper

You think that the collab on JP, the original version of the game, is a test just for the publisher of the global version...? I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. They do collab reruns now on JP, rezero was the first one, and now we have railgun.

:greninja-ult: Greninja (Ultimate)

I mean, it might not always be right, but it definitely is here. Greninja can get in past Min Min's arms very easily, and is great at edgeguarding her when she's offstage too. Really the only thing in Min Min's favor is that Greninja isn't very hard to 2 frame.

Huh, I did have some other upgrades I wanted to do first, but I guess I might as well if it's the only way to not overflow. Thanks.