As a minority this saddens me.

Can fully appreciate vulnerable groups and encourage we do our best to help. But only AFTER we’ve been able to help our fellow Canadians and those that assisted us first.

Sleeper account

On one hand I agree with the sentiments on this thread of entitlement…on the other hand I also believe one you bozos would start a TimHortonsoutofcontrol thread if they sent them home and labor costs went up, which half you bozos would follow.

So if you leave a note saying you will murder people in advance, it’s ok??? This is the measure of humanity? Ok got it.

Never been in subreddit with this many lame dik riders. If any of you don’t think Kendrick is a poor man’s Nas, you don’t listen to Nas.

Do not deal with these guys.

Would it be great if we got these ppl to build houses instead?

Sleeper account

I prefer welcoming folks to this country that recognize exactly how unethical this is. Pretty low bar of civic decency imo.

Sleeper account

I pay a shit load of taxes to help my fellow Canadians first.

Just like a good club, you keep the prices high enough and riff raff go elsewhere

Can’t tell you how many times I was that kid. Hope that kid learns from this and doesn’t become what he sees. Lord knows dads shit attitude don’t end in the car.

Sleeper account

It’s amazing that all you genius’ don’t understand the government and the Central are independent. It’s the hallmark of developed economies.

So many comments so little knowledge.

Sleeper account

I’m not sure they scammed their way here though. Think they wanted to be there.

Sleeper account

So true. I feel like a sucker living here. I have no problem paying taxes for the betterment of my fellow Canadians (healthcare, infra, education, safety nets). But I have a problem subsidizing a bunch of leaches because our government is at best grossly incompetent.

Your colours are clashing my man. Change out the pants. Also your blazer is slim fit and pants regular fit. You may want to make sure both the blazer and pants are consistent fit.

Just because you crammed more crabs in the bucket doesnt make it safer. Perhaps hinging your argument around a per capita stat will tell you what you want to hear eventually.

Citytv folks, stick to reporting news, leave the critical thinking to reputable news outlets.

We felt bad in the pandemic. We wanted to help out restaurant owners and employees that were serving us in trying times. And surprise we’re back to normal but they still have their hands out.