Let's Go Brandon!

I just got my flair this morning. Now I just feel bad for Biden.

Let's Go Brandon!

Wow, there sure are many such cases of this! Almost as if letting people illegally enter the country and then letting them go free without proper vetting to ensure they aren't murderers or rapists is a stupid idea.

Let's Go Brandon!

"Fascism is when you describe how the U.S government works" - CNN

They really do hire only the brighest of folks over there.

Let's Go Brandon!

Politics types are absolutely delusional. Like they insist that a majority of Americans can't possibly support a border wall and mass deportations, hell the recent CBS poll showed that 60%+ Americans support the later, which goes to show the insufferable liberal bubble they live in when 'shocker', unrestricted immigration is unpopular.

Of course this is a great sign that Biden is a failure that even liberal MSM outlets like the Hill are reporting on. But please, VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! Make your voices heard this November. Vote like you intend to flip California and New York no matter how far in the lead Biden is there.

With respect to American history, yeah, 1945 onwards is considered "modern". Though polling of course only began around the 1940s and Truman is as early as this site goes with respect to presidents.

"Modern History" can of course vary depending on the context. For instance, "modern history" can be applied to when Spain came in first contact with the Americas in the 1400s as to "New World" and "Old World" collided and altered the course of history forever.

Let's Go Brandon!

If there's one silver lining to have with Biden's awful immigration policy, it's that it's shown the American people who utterly fucking stupid it is to do nothing to curb the millions of people crossing the border illegally.
People whined and moaned about Trump's strict border policy when he was president, but when you have the polar opposite with Biden practically welcoming these people with open arms, suddenly Trump's stricter measures don't seem so bad.
The fact that a plurality, if not a majority, of Americans now support a border wall, something that was labeled as "literally fascism", just goes to show how shit of a job Biden and his cronies are doing with respect to the Border.

Let's Go Brandon!

lmao, you go on the "conservative terrorism" sub. The hell you mean "our dream border policy"? Fuck off.

Let's Go Brandon!

Why "compromise" on the border? Ukraine Aid has many concerns from many parties with regards to the amount being given, the issues of corruption the country has been known to have, and the feasibility in "winning" the war against Russia as the chances of them retaking Crimea are near zero now, but supporting them with this aid bill is fine with me if it means if it means getting HR2 passed to truly clamp down the border, something the Dems are unwilling to budge on.

Let's Go Brandon!

>"In the southern New Mexico desert outside El Paso, 84 migrants lost their lives in the first nine months of 2023, compared with 35 two years ago. The number of women dying more than doubled from last year and more than tripled from 2021." El Paso Times

This is what AoC calls a "great" thing, immigrants dying while crossing the border.

Let's Go Brandon!

It's actually impressive how Dems are sponsoring such an unpopular and financially draining policy of illegal immigration that it only seems to make them look worse amongst voters who, surprise surprise, don't like bowing down to migrants and supporting them financially.

For all the crying they're doing about how "Trump is a threat to our democracy!!!", they sure seem keen on doing jack shit about the border that they're practically handing Trump the presidency with this idiotic stance that even Hispanics in America aren't 100% a fan of as evident in places like Florida.

Let's Go Brandon!

From the actual text of the bill itself:

>"The Secretary may activate the border emergency authority if, during a period of 7 consecutive 24 calendar days, there is an average of 4,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day. "

Keep note of the "may" here. Meaning the secretary can just choose not to shut the border down in this scenario.

>"MANDATORY ACTIVATION. The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day or on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered"

So if there are ~4,500 border crossings that were actually encountered on average each day, and the secretary chooses not to shut the border down, which we have plenty of reason to not believe that they will, then we're seeing 2 million plus people crossing illegally each year. Considering ~10,000+ are crossing daily right now, what the hell does this achieve other than a staggering of border crossings? What's to stop border crossers from organizing and spreading out their illegal entries to avoid a total shutdown? We already know that cartels and human traffickers facilitate border crossings right now, you don't think they'll circumvent the law with this bill like they have been doing already?

Let's Go Brandon!

>But will then the US policy be completely isolationist?

I'm fine with aid to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel, as long as we secure our border as well. It's a pretty straight forward thing to think that the amount of money being invested in the defense and security of other countries should see just as much, if not more, invested into our own country. $60 billion for Ukraine is a lot, and I would imagine that HR2 being passed would be enough to meet the Dems tit-for-tat when it comes to aiding Ukraine and securing the border. The Dems don't want to do that so where does that leave us? Why aid Ukraine before getting a secure border when we can kill two birds with one stone, but the Dems refuse to play ball?

Let's Go Brandon!

The "bill" offered was a gutted version that enabled just under 5,000 border crossings a day before it gets shut down automatically while failing to include Remain in Mexico. Keeping in mind that the number would be even higher seeing as very easily people slip by undetected. In what world should we be allowing 2 million people each year of unknown origins unlawfully entering the country is a good thing? If the Dems had subscribed to HR2, which actually undertakes measures to keep the border shut and secure, then we'll be happy to sign off on Ukraine aid. It's that damn simple, but the Dems don't want to do that so I'd say that they should take more blame for failing to do the right thing and send Ukraine the aid they need while shutting the border down.

Let's Go Brandon!

It means what it says. All asylum seekers must remain in Mexico until their claim is processed. This was a Trump era policy that was effective at curbing migrant crossings, but was revoked by Biden. The current policy allows illegal border crossers to come into the country, claim asylum and remain in the country until their claim is approved or rejected. I don't need to explain how such a system can be easily exploited as I can damn well tell you that many migrants aren't fleeing war or persecution, but can still remain in the country using this loophole.

Let's Go Brandon!

I don't even understand. The House GOP have made it clear that they're willing to aid Ukraine as long as Dems use HR2's provisions for a border bill which includes "Remain in Mexico". Why is the blame placed on the GOP who want a secure border and a controlled migrant crisis, something that Europe clearly sympathizes with as evidenced by the rise of parties like the Swedish Democrats and AfD, over the Democrats who refuse to shut down the border? HR2 for Ukraine Aid is a fair deal, yet the Dems refuse to follow through so what gives?

Let's Go Brandon!

costs and benefits  

You say that like everything America has done for Europe since WWII hasn't been for Europe's benefit. The Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, our confrontation with the Soviet Union leading to its collapse, fucking liberating western Europe and preventing the Soviets from conquering it all, and the formation of NATO subsidizing Europe's defense so they could spend money on their precious welfare state and Healthcare benefitted Europe more than America. 

Unless Europeans were willing to pay welfare and Healthcare for Americans in West Virginia and Louisiana who have life expectancies on par with third world countries, there is no world where the defense of Europe benefits Americans over Europeans. But the second we want a secure border over Europe's defense, we're evil assholes now. 

Which is why it infuriates many of us when we're told that wanting HR2 and Remain in Mexico for $60 billion in Ukraine aid is unreasonable. Russia is an imperial aggressor and while I don't think $60 billion will liberate Ukraine totally, they should at least have a fighting chance to stop Russia's advance. But my country's interests come before Europe's and I dont see how its unreasonable to want a secure border in exchange for $60 billion in aid to Ukraine. Being told we're pieces of shit because Europe doesn't want to step the fuck up and defend their continent against an Imperialist regime isn't going to sway me one way or the other. 

Let's Go Brandon!

>you are no longer a trustworthy partner

The rest of the world has hated us for years and only starting turning around when we aided Ukraine lol. But because now we want a secure border over aid to Ukraine you hate us again, talk about entitled.

Let's ignore rising European parties like the Sweedish Dems and the AFD that are defined by their anti-migrant stances. Guess those European parties can have those positions but not the U.S.

Europe got pissy at us when we told them to stop relying on Russian oil and pay their fair share in defense for NATO. If you don't want us around, then that's fine with us, it's not like Russia stands a chance at an invasion of Alaska when they're struggling with Ukraine as is lmao.

Quite frankly, the U.S has done a shit job as "world police", let France, Germany, or Britain do it themselves and fend off Russian aggression to see how they like the job.

Let's Go Brandon!

That's fair, but House Republicans have made it clear they're willing to provide foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan if they accept HR2's provisions including "Remain in Mexico", but the Dems aren't budging. So what exactly are we supposed to do? Why concede on the Border when it impacts our actual countrymen right now in places like Texas over a war in Eastern Europe which, quite frankly, is more Europe's problem than America's? Give us HR2 and "Remain in Mexico" and we'll give Ukraine the aid they need against Russia for the foreseeable future. It sounds like a fair trade no? This is on the Dems for not budging on illegal immigration which the majority of this country dislikes, even Hispanic communities are split on the issue which is why they're shifting Red in places like Florida.