There's the 'lore' answer, ans then there's the 'real' answer.

The lore answer is 'prolly not'. Something as powerful as Horus ought to be able to permakill a Perpetual.

The 'real' answer is he'll get brought back if it'll make GW a profit in some way.

"  Why do you think those that control the AI will share their resources with you, someone who is utterly irrelevant to the quality of their existence"

Because nobody is truly irrelevant to another person's existence.

Barring an illuminati grand conspiracy to introduce this tech worldwide instantaneously, you'll see piecemeal deployment of it in developed nations.

Now, riddle me this? What would a first world, upper middle class family out of a job do?

Move to another country where they can find employment.

And once they do that, do you think they'll sit on their asses if it remotely looks like they'll get replaced AGAIN?

This sort of rationale only works in a universal vacuume. The end point is the only development accounted for, and is also affected globally at the same instantaneous moment.

Likely, that status quo happens in a few nations. The rest then wizen up and implement some form of universal ownership of the A.I., nationalization of A.I., or just outright certify A.I. as independent entities that can't be owned.

Arguing otherwise, purely on the basis of unfettered pessimism, is like arguing 200 years ago that slavery could never be abolished because it's cheap and the elites would never willingly give them up.

Then reality happened and circumstantial developments those theoretical pundits couldn't have imagined forced the successful abolition of slavery.

TLDR - reality is more complicated than theoreticals. A solution we simply cannot think up might avail itself,  the issue might only crop up in select places, or maybe something occurs which just table flips the whole intellectual exercise right on its head

It's too complicated to be legitimately worst pursuing at anywhere close to our current tech level. At most, a scientific Outpost, research station, propaganda mission or proof-of-concept habitat could be done.

Even then, it'd be small scale and intensive as hell.

Practically speaking, I'd go with humanity becoming a computronium swarm before we actually bothered venturing out into space. And by then, we'll, it would be so much colonization as whole cloth matter assimilation.

Whether they did or not, your comment has strong "ChatGPT is actually some third world call-center worker replying over the internet" energy.

As time progresses, we get treated by crazy curveball developments like this argument. Sooner or later, you better buckle in for when the future becomes unmistakably now.

Because it'll happen. Whether we want it to or not.

Lupercal: Am become Heresy.

Moonbeam: Heart.EXE has stopped running

Lupercal: :'(

You have to wonder what Erebus fuckery happened to keep Moonbeam from loosing his shit and going feral on the Warrior Lodge after they went to asbcond with Lupercal's body to the Serpent Temple.

Then practice what you preach and become a jungle dwelling anarcho primitivist.

Newsflash: every advancement in human history has nigh exclusively been to make life easier.

They say democracy is the worst system, besides every other one we've tried.

I agree.

Time to try something truly new.

Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before we can welcome in our benevolent ASI overlords.

It's a known fact that Reddit, much like reality, has a left-wing bias.

[I say this as someone who's essentially checked out of politics mind you. Like O.P. I'm just waiting to hop onto Mr. ASI's wild ride]

And if it had actually addressed the unbearable rather than taking Generic lowbrow stereotype digs I'd have never made that comment.

Lemme put it like this - I find you unbearable. And something tells me if I joked that you thought you were gigabrain, but were actually a crayon eater extraordinaire, you wouldn't be praising me as a Master of satire or whatever.

Don't get me started on the amount of people who've called me out for being very vocal about how 'THE ELITES' ARENT GOING TO FUCKING KILL US WITH GODDAMN TERMINATORS.

I blame the inevitable influx of users from the burgeoning proliferation of A.I. I.E. the crowd that are either too hyped, or think that the next 100 years are going to look the exact same as today give or take some pop sci-fi staples.

As a Canuck, I ge the sense that I'm out of the loop on something either absolutely hilarious, or mildly depressing.

We already know plastic is fucked.

Microplastics make every utensil, container, lid, plate, bowl, toothbrush, and fuck knows what else like a cigarette in miniature.

It just doesn't kill us quickly enough, or as absolutely, for anyone to care.

I guarantee if we aren't all robots or some such by 2100 our grandkids will be ribbing on us about this like we riff on this totally safe 'trust me bro' cig.

Remember they only use the best takes for these sorts of kids.

Now consider the ungodly clipping in the Cyber Samurai part.

I'm sure it'll have it's uses, but low expectations for this in practice.

It's playground shit-talking disguised as satirical digs.

Honestly, it's more obnoxious and annoying than folks who literally thing AGI is coming by next week and will fix everything instantly forever.

They're a little confused, but they've got the right spirit.

This is just grating.

Half of this is just petty down punching.

"Hahaha, lol fuck those sickly fat introvert losers living in their mother's basement!!!"

I'm not going to pretend like this sub is a bastion of sanity, but could we get actual call-outs of real bad habits R/Singularity occasionally falls into instead of disguising "these dumb-dumbs can't even remember their phone password lolololz isn't that FuNnY!?!?!?" as "This sub sometimes".

This is is a playground bully's idea of a gigabrain insightful take on things.

Eventually the answer will always Pan out to 'no'.

Viable life on Earth has a Cosmic expiration date.

Bar magic or some religion being correct, all life possible on Earth will end once the sun becomes a red giant.

Me: *Gets team killed at evac*

Reason: 'My turret killed the player'

Me: *explains that I don't even have a turret'

Team-Killer: *Continues to insist I killed him despite never bringing it up before that point, asking if I had anything else that could've done him in, or if it might've been a false-positive like you sometimes get.*

Session breaks up after getting back to hanger for obvious reasons

Me: *Moves to repot this fellow since they're definitely going to keep dicking around like that with other people*

A pLaYeR cAnNoT bE rEpOrTeD fOR tHiS aCtIoN

*cue facepalm*

My situation might've been an overreaction to an absolute idiot who was acting out of stupidity rather than malice, but I weep for those suffering the countless trolls getting away with ruining other people's fun because this feature is non-actual.

At least implement a flagging system or some such for toxic behavior.

Grok =Super-Duper understanding something.

Unsurprising that he just admitted he and his fundamentally misunderstand everything.

To quote a great and mighty wizard

"You present me with a Two-Pronged Road"

"One leads to hell!"

"And the other also leads to hell!"

"But meaty fool that you are, you do not realize that I can simply walk off the fucking road!"

Easiest way to explain the vibes is...

...we are Frodo and Sam with the Ring in Mordor...

The end is in literal sight... but still out of reach, made even more distant by the few hurdles we have left to jump over.

You know, it'd be lowkey hilarious if the Orks saved the setting, ended up intellectually enlightened from the fight, and just tidied up the galaxy while continuing the WAAAAAAAAGH!! into other galaxies cause regular 40k no longer provides enough of a hit to feed their combat addiction.

I think everyone is really sleeping on the Orks.

If the Qu underestimate them enough, and give them a good enough fight, they could plausibly re-evolve back into Krorks.

(Or if Trazyn decided to let that one Krork in his collection out because the situation just gets THAT bad)

Krorks are War in Heaven tier, so they'd stand a solid shot if allowed to build momentum.

And now we're just straight up back to "the rich will kill the poor with a robot army" but with extra steps.

Every country won't automate their police force at the exact same time. Even if this does happen in one country, others would be motivated to take action before they suffer a repeat situation. Etcetera Etcetera.

Again, if reddit random can 'predict' this, so can people who'd actually take the prospect seriously and who'd rather do something about it than be content to doompost on the internet about how they and their family will fucking die horribly in a prison or by starvation... just to 'win' an internet argument.