That is all true but it's something completely different than what you said.

I can totally relate to your struggles. I was diagnosed with aspergers just at the end of idc10, maybe the last person. I can entirely not eat for two days and not realize it. I also have never been able to figure out lunch. That said, I am a university professor. I like you don't look autistic or act the way. I have been lucky to work at a university. Otherwise, I am sure I would have never been able to do anything other than bag groceries. My last big burnout was after covid. My students decided to throw out all the social rules of the classroom. I had my class taken from me mid semester. This was why I was finally diagnosed. So I understand. Words have power, and a lack of them also has power.

That all being said. I do need to correct you. Autism was not condensed because of advocates or people's feelings. Autism was put under on term because there was no scientific evidence that it was genetically separate. All the evidence at the time was that it is one condition. I just don't want you to have a misunderstanding.

That being said, after combing it, research now is starting to pull it back apart with different causes. I expect that once this is better understood, the concept of the autism family of condition seems likely to return based on current patterns in the research, but it will not be based on the old one.

I think you would get farther by discussing if support levels have any meaning to them where you live

In the US, level 1s are essentially ignored, as you suggest. My insurance company only goes as far as the law allows, which thankfully includes lifting a therapist meetings per year cap.

Unlike other countries, there is no home support to keep your life in order if you have adhd and autism.

The public in the US also basically ignores level 1s as you suggest. This is because people generally only see the co-occurring conditions. They don't understand the core features of autism at all.

The final issue is that the DSM does not provide meaningful support level guidances. Multiple organizations try to interpret them, but all do so in different ways. Even well trained experts don't agree what makes something a level 1 or level 2. This is even before you ask the question of whether support needs of coocurring conditions determine the autism support level? The answer is that people disagree on it.

Also, because we tend to see things in black and white, we tend not to be able to see how poorly defined and implemented it is. Go to a place with young autists without life experience, and this lack of recognition problem becomes obvious.

I agree with you. We do have a problem. We first have a finite resource issue. We have an allocation issue. We have a definitional issue. We have an awareness issue. We have more issues than I can post.

Though, your personal issues are real. I want to end with that.

In same boat. Feels weird to have all these fulfilments complete and not even get the address verification yet.

I think a much more derogatory word could have been used, and as others have pointed out, it does seem appropriate.

It just sounds to me that you two are not complimentary. I don't even want to blaim him because I don't know that he really does not know what to do either. You both may want to move on and not blaim each other and just chalk it up to incompatibility.

I am a physicist and educator. There is a reason we have an absent-minded professor stereotype.

Having an interdisciplinary background as a student is great. As a Prof, having students of different fields brings diversity of thought to your research lab.

Today, departments are much more interested in interdisciplinary collaboration. It is even encouraged in the federal grant process.

My lower jaw is small. My teeth match each other, and it's not visibly a problem, but it causes me to have a naturally turned downwards mouth, and it's basically impossible for me to intentionally smile.

My friends I have would never say such a thing to me. You really need to have a talk with this friend and about if it was about you or if she is uncomfortable being around you because if she is you don't want to be around her.

Those values have not been updated in decades and are notoriously usless.

One of the reasons that they say everyone with autism is different is because of its high number and presentation of concurrent conditions. Adhd is one of those.

Very true. Autistics can like sports, it can also be a special interest as well. Many autists think that every autistic person only has special interests. Some do only have special interests, but many also enjoy other things to a lesser degree.

This mistaken perspective says more about the persons rigidity of thought than often comes with autism than anything else.

This is the problem of using traits rather than genetics or biology to determine if a person is autistic. Even though there is ample evidence that our brains literally grow and operate differently, this person doesn't have to know this and chooses to not be informed.

While mildly abilistic, the work this guy does shows this and is important. He shows how autistic brains are distictly different

That is what you want to study, not what you want to do after your education is complete.

Asking about doing means things such as. Do you want to work in business? Do you want to be a research engineer? Do you want to be a research physicist? Do you want to be a university educator.

It's also how you want your days to be. Do you just want to have a good job with insurance and some form of security? See how you answered a question that could not start with do.

These are also the same things that I say to all my undergrads in the physics department I teach at. The same is true in engineering as well.

This question can only ever be answered of you tell us what you want to do once you are done with school.

In engineering, there is little reason to get a phd and it can harm your employment prospects.

I grew up Catholic and, of course, am now an athiest, this is the way, but at least they don't just go around throwing exorcisms at people for no reason like people mention happening here.

Literally, if it's labeled psychological, then Catholic exorcists are not allowed to perform an exorcism, they are not allowed to by church rules.

Never thought I would say something positive about the church these days.

As I have aged I have had a lot of the different feelings people mentioned here. I do think it has to do with information overload do to eye complexity due to detail focus.

That being said, the biggest feels I have had involving feeling like I was being sucked into the other person as one would be sucked into a black hole.

Just realized that Ralph wiggans is an Urbie.

This is correct. The op is propagating a stereotype. It can be a special interest which may amount for level of playing but otherwise thier is nothing special about it.

Honestly, in the 80s, we went outside. This was well before games were inentionally created to be addictive. Which effects ND and NT alike.