Best I have been able to find out is that this might be in Australia.

No. No, man. Sh*t, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked doin' something like that, man.

Unfortunately it’s all gone. I already picked the bone clean as well.

I chose that pic first specifically 😅 internal temp peaked at 122.3F so nice and rare on the inside and beautifully charred on the outside.

We decided on dinner at the last minute, so I wasn’t able to dry brine or reverse sear, but it came out amazing regardless!

Very safe bet it isn’t real.

Might not have been the best or juiciest steak I’ve ever had, but for a grocery store steak on sale for $8.99/lb it wasn’t bad at all. Definitely was not dry.

There is absolutely no need to use lighter fluid when using a chimney. Just fill the chimney all the way up with your charcoal briquettes, and then light something (I tear off some of the charcoal bag) on the charcoal grate and put the chimney over it.

Ha, thanks! I’m wanting to create my own BBQ spice blends and sauces, so figured I’d need to have some social media presence. It’s been fun making the videos though and incorporating the dogs in them when I can. Unfortunately they are getting spoiled and only want to eat what I grill/smoke instead of their actual food.

It was really good! Definitely going to become a regular for us.