I think you guys often overstate the whole “women’s inflated ego” thing, or often take it at too surface level.

In reality, a woman might be experiencing feelings of overstimulation when presented with so many choices in online dating. She might not be matching with/replying to you because her standards are now ‘inflated’, it’s just that there’s so many options that she’s overwhelmed and it makes her freeze up and not make any choice.

To add on to that, women who publicly broadcast these super high standards on social media/dating apps might be being truthful in a blunt way. But they also sometimes might just be lashing out of hurt feelings. My first thought when I see a girl say something like “don’t even swipe if ur not 6’3” isn’t “oh wow this bitch!! Her standards are too high??”

It’s “goddamn which 5’7 Casanova did her dirty?”

  1. I think fantasies themselves are relevant here, like with my “racist who watches interracial” example.

  2. No ? I’m referring to both when I say that. I’m not sure where you’re pulling the separation here from, I’m saying they did go hand in hand.

What you need is something that can’t be given without seriously violating someone’s trust and boundaries. This goes for a lot of discussions we have about sex and dating though. Sex is a private thing for most.

I agree social pressure is probably the culprit, but you acknowledging it is frankly even more baffling. So you fully agree that social pressure can cause a girl to keep her relationship a secret from her friends ? But not that she would also post about how relationships like that are wrong ?? That makes no sense.

Like have you ever heard of homophobic religious people who are really in the closet? This is not a new phenomenon. It’s damn near an archetype.

  1. ⁠Can’t link it, auto mod apparently removes it. Just look through my comments.
  2. ⁠Why on gods earth would I publicly expose a former lover like that to a stranger on Reddit ??

I’m not sure you caught what I was putting down with my post my friend

  1. Referring to this:


  1. Why on gods earth would I publicly expose a former lover like that to a stranger on Reddit ??

I’m not sure you caught what I was putting down with my post my friend

I’m sure those are all common reasons, but I’ve encountered a lot of women with this preference/kink, whom none of those apply to.

As in not seeking money, in fact super uncomfortable when you even offer to buy them something.

No daddy issues, really wholesome and strong relationship with their father.

And thirdly, actually being the one hyperfocused on the age gap, more so than I ever was. Sometimes to an uncomfortable extent.

I’ve literally had a girl hmu first on a dating app with “You look like you’re too old for me, but older guys are sooo hot so”

Uhm no, I have had experiences with this sort of thing, and this is just not always the case sorry to say. You’d assume so but in my experience many of the same girls who would publicly post about how gross and ‘problematic’ age gaps were, are also secretly super into that stuff.

I made another post about it on this thread if you want context.

I’ll repost a comment I made in another thread because it fits. For context I’m a somewhat attractive guy who looks a little older than he really is (thanks to a full beard I’ve had since I was a teenager).

“Young girls might not always be geniuses, but they certainly aren’t stupid. They know the objective downsides of settling down with an older guy. They also know it’s a big social taboo (especially nowadays).

So it makes me chuckle when women here say things like “uhm well none of my friends do this!”. Like yeah most probably don’t, but that doesn’t mean that some don’t secretly fantasize about it, or even do experiment with older men casually and discreetly. They aren’t gonna tell you that, sis, they don’t wanna be judged or shamed.

But damn the amount of girls who have admitted the craziest kinks and behaviors to me? That they used to lie about their age and get with older dudes while they were in HS?? That they fantasize about their friends dads, or about their teachers etc. All of this without me asking, or frankly even wanting to know(especially the shadier stuff). If you make a girl feel comfortable and like she won’t be shamed for her kinks/sexuality, it opens them up a lot.

Age gaps, it’s a very common desire for girls, especially Gen Z ones. I think making it taboo has actually added fuel to the fire frankly.”

Those are basically my observations on this. It’s a taboo nowadays but that only makes it hotter to many girls. It’s kind of like racist people who secretly really like interracial stuff.

I mean that’s only like half an inch above the actual average, so that not even a crazy expectation. If you were packing 5.5 and said “yeah baby this is 6!”, you really think becky’s gonna notice?

And to anyone who brings up dildos — your average woman also isn’t buying these huge cartoonish dildos seen in porn. I’m pretty sure the most bought dildo sizes are anywhere from average to just .5 over average sized in ‘insertable’ length.

Honest to god I don’t think the women who insist that don’t care/prefer average or small are lying to you on purpose or trying to ‘gaslight’ you.

You said it best yourself — larger ones are rare. Most women just genuinely don’t have any experience with what they feel like. It’s really not something you’re gonna have to worry about unless you’re with a girl who actually has had so many different partners that it’s given her that big of a sample size (which is also very rare).

Don’t lose sleep on this man.

Lol every big dick guy knows this brother, it’s called “Girl Inches”. Whenever you hear a girl talk about the size a penis was in any situation, you can reliable assume it’s actual size was 1.5-2 inches shorter. It’s almost a rule of nature at this point.

There’s a variety of reasons for this. The number one main reason, which should be obvious, is that men consistently lie about this. Its similar to the way guys lie about height. If every average 5.5 joe tells women “yeah I’m like 7 inches”, guess what she’s gonna believe ? That’s the average.

But the actual data on this tells another story all together.

The problem is I’ve heard RP guys use ‘frame’ OUTSIDE of the context of flirting too! Which implies at least one of two things:

  1. It’s connotation is not exclusively related to flirting
  2. The man using it has tied so much of his identity and self-worth to success with women that terms he once exclusively used in relation to flirting, have now also sweeped into every day interactions

Nothing intellectual about what imma say rn but goddamn dude, I find it so cringe when someone says “frame”. It sounds so LARPy and cringe. I say that as someone who doesn’t even always disagree with RP guys, I’m generally ’purple’ but they sometimes make good points but.. jeez why do they talk like getting pussy is a military operation.

This is the actual answer lol. Shit, a significant factor in the decrease in people having sex is probably literally just that more people have switched from “I go out on the weekends with my friends and drink at the club” to “my mainly male friends just come over to my house and we continually hit a weed pen while we game”.

One is a social environment in which people are loose, sociable and more likely to act on spur of the moment emotions. The other is uh.. ya know

Honest to god my man, you should just stop doing what you’re doing. Stop being so direct and robotically up front with your intentions and ultimate goals when you meet women.

I know, it’s what all the redditors say works the best. They’re redditors (I type from Reddit lol), they represent a certain niche demographic.

But in the real world? Even if a woman is secretly down for some casual fun, usually she doesn’t want it directly stated to her. That feels weird, stiff and shameful to her. She just wants you to at least try to ‘rizz’ her up. Just flirt with her and banter.

The ones who aren’t down for casual will shut down your advances and put their foot down. The ones who are, usually don’t wanna have to spell it out for you, women tend to like to feel like things “just happened”.

All that being said, no most women aren’t into casual hookups. Hooking up is relatively rare compared to how much we depict it in art and entertainment, and is usually contained to specific social environments.

See this whole discussion is baffling to me, because I’ve always had the opposite experience guys here tend to portray. I find that showing a girl I’m really into her, displaying myself as relationship material and making her know I’m open minded and not judgmental has almost ALWAYS made her show off her freak side.

Like if anything my experience teaches me if you’re a scumbag and have loose morals, and wanna be the manipulative ‘Machiavelli’ type redpillers larp as and get kinky sex from women, do the opposite of what they tell you. Be vulnerable, give them princess treatment, etc.

But hey we’re literally all dueling anecdotes at the end of the day. This is just my life experience.

Oof I can relate to this with something that happened to me recently. I was hanging out with a female friend of mine(who’s in a relationship btw), and we had both been drinking a little. Anyways I noticed she seemed like she was a little too touchy and feely, so I politely told her we should probably call it a night, and called her a ride and started walking home.

She starts blowing up my phone telling me how hot I looked, that she wants me to ‘force myself’ on her, etc. all this freaky shit. I’m reminding her “hey we’re just friends and you have a boyfriend!” And she’s just not taking no for an answer, resorting to guilt tripping me and whining (“you think I’m uggglyyy :( is it because I’m asian??” etc etc.)

The whole time I’m thinking “if the roles were reversed people would think these texts are super creepy goddamn, that’s a trip”.

The funniest part is you’d think this girl would be the type to understand this too! She’s pretty curvy so she definitely deals with street harassment when she goes out, and she admitted to me she went through a second wave style radfem phase when she was a teen.

No my friend you misread my post, I didn’t say any of the guys I mentioned were overweight. They’re in good shape and decently good looking.

I’m saying even your hottest idea of a ‘Chad’ player type, if he is actually pulling new girls on a consistent basis ? He’s not being that picky. Hooking up just isn’t as common as we picture it.

From my experience as an attractive mid 20’s guy who gets told he looks older than he really is, this is so spot on.

Young girls might not always be geniuses, but they certainly aren’t stupid. They know the objective downsides of settling down with an older guy. They also know it’s a big social taboo (especially nowadays).

So it makes me chuckle when women here say things like “uhm well none of my friends do this!”. Like yeah most probably don’t, but that doesn’t mean that some don’t secretly fantasize about it, or even do experiment with older men casually and discreetly. They aren’t gonna tell you that, sis, they don’t wanna be judged or shamed.

But damn the amount of girls who have admitted the craziest kinks and behaviors to me? That they used to lie about their age and get with older dudes while they were in HS?? That they fantasize about their friends dads, or about their teachers etc. All of this without me asking, or frankly even wanting to know(especially the shadier stuff). If you make a girl feel comfortable and like she won’t be shamed for her kinks/sexuality, it opens them up a lot.

Age gaps, it’s a very common desire for girls, especially Gen Z ones. I think making it taboo has actually added fuel to the fire frankly.

I’ve literally never had this happen tbh, and I feel like it’s not actually a huge issue if you have some backbone. When I do meet a girl like that J sniff this out early and always let them know “I’ve got my own life and interests” and most the time it stops the issue from growing.

Only in the minority of cases do they decide it’s a dealbreaker, and for me it’s not much of a loss.

People don’t realize how common this is haha. The biggest ‘playas’ I know are regularly getting with women who are very overweight. Hooking up irl is not that common, and even a very attractive guy has to really lower his physical standards to pull it off consistently.

And funnily enough, these guys will then go on to mock ‘fat b*tches’ to their boys.