You can rent or buy on amazon (also minus color too), amazon just got several of the newer movies today too.

I'll stand next to the duelist by the Adventure's Guild in the Court, I seem to have good luck going to places that are related to the characters I'm going for.

Yeah or run her on a dual carry team.

It has the possibility of turning every match you play into a sweat fest. Some people just don't like every single match being tight and super competitive.

It can also lead to longer queue times if you happen to fall in the top or bottom sections of the player skill curve.

Also, any game that allows queuing as a team can have issues placing groups if there are large skill discrepancies among the partied players. In the same vein, generally, there is nothing preventing high skill players from starting alternate accounts to queue with low skill players and dominate them anyway.

Congrats on supporting a team that can fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

Sorry, but Holding Out For A Hero was originally recorded by Bonnie Tyler for the original Footloose.

My male was about the same 75 lbs at 6 months, 90 at 12, topped out at 105 at 18 months, and has been holding fairly steady ever since (he's almost 8 now)

I don't think my Raiden has ever been anything but an E Bot for either Hyperbloom or my Yoimiya overload team.

Sorry, but gonna have to go with Cthulhu here Monsterverse Goji doesn't stand a chance.

What are you talking about, 100m + tall Godzilla / plant / human hybrids are common place. /s

I wish that was mines idea of playing in the mud, but she won't stop till she's coated.

Either Vs Mecha G or Ebirah, my dad had both on vhs when I ws little.

She joins me at the table every morning while I have breakfast, and started the first morning after I adopted her.

I ended up swaping mine to TexMexes, and rewiring the second tone pot to be a blender instead.

Yanfei XL Yaoyao (can I add Qiqi in here since she's Yaoyaos bff?) I guess burn melt isn't terrible.

My breakthrough moment was when I realized that I wasn't comfortable with the putter I was using and that it was having an adverse effect on my form. Picked up a stack of PA2s after a friend let me borrow one for a round and just lived at a practice basket for a few weeks.

I mean Sage in FFXIV has flying laser guns, and it's definitely a healer class.

Emet-Selch: I'm going to reunite all the sundered shards. All of you will die, but as me-and-mine will be happy that's something I'm willing to live with.

He's not a bad person

Bruh... he sends you on errands so that his underlings can spy on you and get information, all the while working on making fake adeptal seals so that he can release an ancient god to destroy Liyue Harbor just so that he can draw Morax out to steal his gnosis. I don't know how that's not evil.

Because they've all played enough MMOs and RPGs to realize that earrings increase their gear levels

And? Do you want some validation to go with your small penis, pile of insecurities, and general lack of self-esteem?

Man, the reverse is in the wrong spot on that 6 speed.