My son is due July 29th. Ready to give this kid an eviction notice before though.

I also had ADHD growing up and I hated how the school system pushed those damn planners on us. What makes you think a damn planner is going to make me, someone whose brain works differently, magically more organized?

Okay so my neighbor just had an induction and she told me she had a really good experience. She said that she went in at 41+2 and they induced her. Apparently, without her even realizing, she had already been having minor contractions and was already 3cm dilated. When they induced her, she said that things went so fast, but 8 hour, baby was ready to be born. Her and I have the same doctor, so I’m feeling a bit encouraged. Hopefully this encourages you too!

Also, why would someone downvote me for asking if you’re being induced or having a planned c-section?

Are you having an induction or a c-section? From the post, it sounded like an induction.

My mom went by her middle name, but it was also on her to correct them when they called by her first name.

That’s a bummer to hear. I asked my doctor if I could paint the nursery and he gave me the go ahead :(

I’m 100% with you. I’m 36 weeks pregnant and one of the biggest things we learn to start labor is to sit on the big yoga ball. And you know, move your hips.

Can I ask how far along you are? I recently just changed my last name to my husbands (I know, different situation, but just saying, it is possible). So if you get the chance, maybe it would be worth it to change your last name back to your maiden name and give your child that name. Otherwise, I would just say give your baby your maiden name regardless (if that’s possible).

I don’t think bravo or Andy or attached to this as it’s on Hulu.

Omg please tell me where to get 1 and that it’s all cotton

Thank you! It was really only 3 weeks after her passing (6 or 7 months post breakup) that I met my now husband! I thought my ex was kind (and he really could be), but after meeting my husband, I genuinely believe that a kinder human doesn’t exist.

My mom told me just before she died, knowing I was also devastated from the breakup “don’t worry Eating_Bagels. Ive known so many people who lost a parent and then poof, they meet their soulmate right afterwards”. I really feel like she brought my husband to me.

And Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the best. I will always have a secret crush on Jason Segal 😍

Have you never heard of self deprecating humor?

I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched this show since 2012, and just started getting back into the snippets this past year.

I never liked Gary. I think the way he would bend over backwards to accommodate Amber, even when Leah was a baby, rang alarm bells to me. Did I feel bad for him? Yes. Did I think Amber was a total abuser? Absolutely. But I screamed at my tv too many times “You need to leave for the sake of your child!” too many times.

I’m in my third trimester and not gaining weight. I have so much indigestion, I can barely eat. So far though, I am 35+6, I have gained 22 pounds. The majority of it coming from the second trimester.

I assume Marnie is from Jersey since her mom lives there, right?

Can I ask how much this cost? I understand you did it, but how much in materials and time? I’ve been wanting to do something like this.

It looks amazing!

That is truly insane what you went through. I believe you, but I still can’t comprehend what you had to go through! So sorry to hear that.

I had to go to the urgent care once, and they wrote me a prescription, but just told me “please don’t take this medicine before you get the go ahead from your OB” and that was it.

Omg I had this happen too! But she died when I was about 8 or 9.

Flash forward 20 years, my mom died. I had already moved out of my childhood home, but came back to visit before her passing.

My mom and I totally believe in ghosts, so I whispered to my mom that night she died , “mom if you hear me, please don’t visit tonight. It’ll only freak me out”.

I woke up in the middle of the night, and that same dog was sitting on the edge of my bed. I started petting her and she gave me kisses. And it was almost like we could communicate. I thanked her for visiting me and she left. 2 seconds later, I woke up. I definitely believe she came to visit me in my dream. I mean, the room was the exact same, no changes.

Not us, but my husbands best friend and his wife were huge pot smokers prior to pregnancy. As soon as they found out, they quit. They now have a very healthy 3 month old daughter!

I don’t think people understand that it depends on the practice. I’ve had both throughout my pregnancy.

You’re getting downvoted for this, but there is a reason why your wife didn’t have to drink water. There two different machines to do external ultrasounds. I’ve had to do both. My OBGYN doesn’t make me drink water for the ultrasound, but I have had to do it in the past at another doctors office. From my understanding, the ones that don’t make your drink water are the newer machines.

Honey, I had a shit fit at my husband last night for putting powered protein in the banana cake he baked for us (I’ve read mixed reviews if pregnant women can eat that). You are absolutely not a horrible wife.

If it helps any, I was with a guy for a little over a year as well, and told him towards the end that he was “the one”. I was the same age as you.

Before all this, when we first started dating, I told him I was looking for something serious and don’t date to date. I date to look for marriage (something not everyone wants, but it’s something I wanted). He was fully on board.

A year later, he told me he wasn’t ready, which is fair, but also told me that he knew he would need to break up with me at some point. I was like “well, some point should be now then. Let’s not waste time”. We broke up, I was devastated, then the lockdowns happened, then my mom died.

Almost immediately after my mom passed, so 6 months post breakup, I met this wonderful new guy. I gave him the same speech, and he was also on board.

It’s been 4 years later, and we are now married, and have a baby on the way. I didn’t realize the capacity of love I could have for someone else until I met my husband. I didn’t know someone so sweet, caring, and kind existed.

Point is, don’t let this ruin your self esteem just because this guy didn’t see your self worth. The right person will absolutely see it, and remind you of it every single day (not become distant 9 months in because you expressed your feelings towards an action that gave you discomfort).

You’re in Italy. Try as hard to remember that you’re a catch, and you should go enjoy this time. Let the world know you’re a catch.

And if all else fails, I always recommend watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall when I’m going through a breakup.

I failed my 1 hour test and then passed the 3 hour test. I’m a little surprised they would administer the test in the first trimester. Your placenta isn’t even formed then.