Weren’t there reports that people who work with him were concerned about the amount of ketamine he was doing?

Stop fondling your meat!

I knew I was bad at this game. But this sub has made me realize how bad I am.

No. You found the guy who doesn’t know we would be replacing that stuff regardless.

It’s the monetary value of the old equipment that was sent.

We would be buying those new weapons regardless. By sending the old equipment to Ukraine we save a ton of money.

Also supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression is the right thing to do.

Edit: ohhhh you think we are just sending Ukraine money? Not how it works. The aid package “money” is mostly just the cost of the vehicles that we are sending over. It’s money that has already been spent decades ago.

Dems/Biden passed legislation capping insulin and asthma drug prices. That’s actually a huge deal for people who need those meds.

Not quite. For the weapons to Ukraine it’s all old stuff that we have been paying a fortune to upkeep and then another fortune to properly disable and decommission. It’s actually way cheaper for us to just give them to Ukraine (this stuff was created to fight Russia after all).

Where the defense companies get their money is when we are restocking with updated tech/weapons, which we would be doing regardless of sending the old stuff to Ukraine.

It’s more a “lie back and take it/don’t make me hurt you” kinda thing.


The problem is in a lot of those cases the victim won’t testify against them out of fear. Also domestic abuse is a big indicator of eventual gun violence.

That being said, I’m not arguing for red flag laws. Just pointing out the reasoning and that it’s an unfortunate issue that’s difficult to address.


Isn’t that what it is right now?

Domestic abuse cases are a grey area because of the imminent danger.


Yeah that’s fair. Violent felonies and domestic abuse charges then. Mayyybe dealing level drug possession but they’re gonna have much easier access to illegal guns so seems kinda moot.

The point is the rapid fire lies are too much to expect the other person to counter.

It takes way longer to refute bullshit and lies than it does to spread them. Then you’re not able to answer the question. It’s a well known debate strategy called the Gish Gallop and Trump does it constantly.

Slay The Spire.

It’s so fun but holy shit it’s hard. But I keep coming back to it…

Dude you gotta work on your proportions.

Been thinking exactly that for a while now. If his rants were on Twitter they would be getting so much more attention.


I think there’s “dropping the gun debate” and a more moderate option of not restricting the types of guns (assault weapon ban) and focusing on (if anything) limiting gun access to domestic abusers and people with felonies.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership. But convicted criminals shouldn’t be allowed to carry.

And yes of course they can get them illegally but at least put a proverbial road block up.


I think there’s “dropping the gun debate” and a more moderate option of not restricting the types of guns (assault weapon ban) and focusing on (if anything) limiting gun access to domestic abusers and people with felonies.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership. But convicted criminals shouldn’t be allowed to carry.

And yes of course they can get them illegally but at least put a proverbial road block up.

They fucked it all up when they capped the number of the House. That’s where the communities voices are supposed to be heard.

I work in a hospital and sometimes patients are running away for one reason or another. I would never intervene. That ain’t my problem that’s security’s issue.