Mexc has the cheapest fees. You can't deposit fiat directly but you can send usdc or whatever there from or bitbuy or whatever. No kyc

"Nothing beats snow removal in terms of the amount of service requests we get"

What snow?

You can withdraw from Binance any time. You can leave it in there for as long as you want. You just can't make any more deposits after September.

What do you mean? You can see everything. Nothing to block your view.

Bitcoin isn't just a digital currency. It's also decentralized, meaning it doesn't have to go through an institution, like a bank. It removes the necessity of banks, which have proven, recently, that they aren't as reliable as most thought. Crypto is the future, and it's not going away. It's only growing. Might as well jump on board.

*they're, as in they are flat now. Op had it right

Have you heard about all the benefits of dried grapes? I'm raisin awareness

Well there's something to fight for. We'll, really a number of things.

Sorry, I just want to say one more thing and then I'll leave it alone. I just want to further iterate on the point of "one day it'll snap". My buddy had the biggest pit bull I've ever seen, and he did nothing but bring smiles to our faces. Just a giant meat stick loving life. He eventually died of old age. My brother's pitty is getting pretty old and will probably die of old age soon too. His daughter has lived with that dog since she was born (she's 4 or 5 now). My kids have been around that dog. She was never a concern whatsoever, and is actually the biggest sweetheart I've ever seen. I know other people that have had, and currently have pitties as well. They've never been a problem because they weren't neglected or abused.

If it's loved, I promise you it never will. I've known a lot of pit bulls. They never snap. I've known a lot of dogs general. They're only viscious if they're abused. That's the case for any breed.

They're seriously not though. Not more than any other dog. I've been bitten by dogs at least 4 times that I can remember off hand, and not one of them was a pittie. Pit bulls are known to be very good with kids. My brother's pitty took all the abuse his toddler daughter had to deliver (I'm exaggerating when I say abuse, but you know how toddlers are) and she wants nothing more than to crawl in your lap and lick your face relentlessly.

And seriously, I recommend getting to know a pit bull (one that's not in the company of an abusive owner). I promise it'll change your view. They're such loveable dogs when they're not hardened by abuse.

But I apologize for insulting you. I sometimes get frustrated because it seems like there's always someone that needs to argue with me, and to be fair I technically started the argument. I just didn't appreciate your comment.

Firstly, you decided to pop up on a wholesome post and provide negativity. Then I argued your point, based on my own experience and research, which you met with a sharp "nope" as if it was a matter of fact on a topic that you clearly don't have a clue about. Then you persisted in your argument with no accurate facts and you refuse to do any actual reading to learn the actual truth. Do you know how frustrating it is to argue with someone that ignorant? I'm just sick of posting and being shot at with a "nope" or "false". I had someone recently reply to one of my comments with "false" on a topic that I was very involved in and very kno about, I'm assuming based completely on assumption. I don't know where people get off piping up about something that they know nothing about.

Also, I've been bitten by dogs at least 4 times that I can remember off hand, and not one of them was a pit bull.

I don't appreciate the candor. I'm just busy working a night shift and arguing with someone else about this topic. I see you're quick to jump to conclusions. Makes sense.,-(PETA)&text=In%20addition%20to%20thousands%20of,every%20year%20in%20dogfighting%20rings

Here's another one. I know you don't care about anecdotal data but it's always only people that don't know any pit bulls that argue this bs. My brother has a pit bull that was an emotional support animal and the worst she might do is lick you to death, and the several other pitties I've known were all in the upper echelon of good dogs and wouldn't hurt a fly. My cousin currently has 2 that are often around small children and she just had a baby of her own. Of all the pitties I've known, I've never known one to be the least bit aggressive.

No, actually you don't. Just another ignorant internet warrior.

Give those articles a read. They're picked because they're tough and strong and tortured and raised to be viscious.

Again, they're also known as nanny dogs because, raised outside of abuse, they're actually great with children

You're obviously not reading the articles I posted. Typical internet warrior.

If you read this, it states that a study done with 931 pit bulls showed that pit bulls are actually less temperamental than golden retrievers