In Atomic Boots! We Leap the Great Abyss! - Part 1 of 4 -OC

2193 AD ..
I looked across at my Grandfather. The old man was iron grey and and stubbly under his battered fedora. He hed a paunch and quietly trembling hands, but his eyes shone brightly. He took a slug from his hip flask and throttled the skycraft’s engine up until it throbbed deep and growly.

“Hey Grandad! there's the old spacefield down there!’

We were passing over a fractured concrete apron, massive rusting frames stood proud of it.

"Yeah, see the launching towers, son?’ Grandad swung us in and around the spacefield, looping the skycraft tightly. “Did I ever tell you about my second flight out of here? To System Five in Orion’s Belt?”

“Yeah, but I forgot it - tell me again,”I liked Grandad’s stories. They were always a little different, a bit more extravagant every time he told them.

"You're a good lad, Chris; good to your senile old Grandad.”

I grinned back at him. My father reckoned Grandad was sharper than the rest of us put together.

Dad was always warning me against the old man. Grandad once gambled away his son’s big yellow sports car, and I don’t think Dad ever really forgave him for that.

“Well, you know I was one of the First Pilots - an Explorer.. Into The Unknown! And all that sort of thing.. Nowadays the ThinkShips can just fly themselves, but back then the fancier computers would get totally addled by all the cosmic rays as we got close to light speed, so humans flew ‘em instead..”

Dad said the only reason humans flew the first, experimental ships was because Thinking computers cost more.

“Only the best got to be Pilots, mind,’ Grandad carried on, “You had to be quick as lightning and dolphin-fit to throw that Hammock about, and kick in with the atomics at the exact moment..”


Ben Wedfry wormed into the straps and slings of the Hammock and donned the goggles of his Augmented Reality headset. He rolled forward involuntarily, then kicked back - righting himself again, until he finished strapping in. His pulse pounded in his ears, ramped up by the reflex-enhancing StimBrew that was mandatory for every Pilot. Ben deliberately slowed and deepened his breathing, to help him access the Zen-like state of relaxed alertness he needed.

He waited calmly; staring blankly at the data scrolling through his Heads-Up Display (HUD). A grey authoritarian face flickered into one corner of his vision, “Control Bunker to Explorer 901," it said, “you are cleared for lift off. Good luck.“

“Cheers,” Ben grinned. He clicked a button in his sling-glove, flicking to a view of two figures lying on padded couches. They were tense, anticipating the crushing fingers of sudden acceleration.

“Ready you two?”

They murmured assent and Ben grinned wider. He wasn’t handsome, but his smile was pleasant enough, if a little manic. Right now it was fit to split his face.

Ben set his teeth and pushed back, kicking down hard against the Hammock straps. Engines burst into life, roaring. He tensed his whole body, stretched out and up. The Ship leapt into the sky on a column of flame, climbing fast through the Blue; eagerly reaching for the Black.

Ben watched the altimeter rise, sweat beaded on his brow as he strained to resist the G-forces that were trying to fold him up. In a few minutes they were over 100 miles high, clear of the dragging atmosphere and Ben eased off the acceleration. Then he twisted and kicked out left. Gouts of fire from the engines hurled the Ship sideways into a high, fast orbit.

Ben let her flick round the world a few times, and then pushed out and down with all four limbs. More flames from the engines, but silent now, in total vacuum. The ship slung out of orbit and away from Earth at terrific speed.

Now they were sufficiently clear of the planet’s gravity well, there was a hum and a series of resounding clunks as the newfangled Inertial Damping Field powered-up; always a reassuring sound for any interstellar spacer - the InDam Field bubble protected a Ship’s humans from being crushed to a pulp by the extreme acceleration needed to approach light speed.

As the Ship barrelled away from Earth, Ben kept a constant eye on the astrogation plotter that charted their course. Alarms would ring if they went astray, but the harsh claxon piqued his pride. Suspended in the counter-tensioned slings and gimbal rings of the Hammock, Ben remained poised, ready to leap into action at the next way-point.

~~ Some egg-head down in London [by 2153 everywhere south of Watford and east of Cardiff was London] had dreamed up the Hammock. They needed a way for the decision-making brain to trigger and steer the Ship’s engines as though it was a living entity, reacting rapidly by reflex. Conventional switches and levers took too long; too many fiddly motions gobbled up the time.

Through the Hammock each Ship “felt” its Pilot’s movements, and a Pilot knew their Ship’s responses like their own body.. So, the thought that closed a hand would fire a braking retro rocket, while whole-body stretches and bends turned the entire Ship’s course.

Strain receptors in the straps and position sensors in the gimbal frames gathered intent from the Pilot’s dancing body. Simple enough in principle, but there were thousands of little sensors; it took a medium powered legacy computer to integrate all the commands; this Integrator had to be designed with quintuple redundant parallel processing for on-the-fly error-checking, plus it was hardened and thickly shielded against the inevitable deluge of data-corrupting, bit-flipping cosmic rays.

In 2153 the whole set-up of Pilot, Hammock and Integrator was still ten thousand times cheaper than designing and building a computer that was both robustly hardened and shielded, yet also sophisticated enough to run the five-ply machine intelligences they'd’ve otherwise needed to fly a Ship on its own, without a human-in-the-loop. ~~

Once the Ship crossed the Moon’s orbit into translunar space Ben kicked a big steel plate set in the Hammock’s rear. A huge explosion hammered the Ship forward; blasting it onward to Mars. Ben had just detonated one of the “small” shaped charge H-bombs mounted in the stern. He triggered the atomics again and again, accelerating the vessel through the void.

The squishy human crew were protected from the shockwaves by the Inertial Damping Field’s bubble, and they were shielded from the storm of radiation by a thick neutron and gamma ray absorbing shield, made with complex alloys and ceramics. The shield was cast in a swollen funnel shape that helped channel the force of the explosions backwards, hurling the ship forwards. Thus, the quarter-of-a mile long Ship screamed towards Mars at 0.999C*. Time itself dilated at such speeds.

Even with Inertial Damping, the felt acceleration was still brutal. Ben almost blacked out for an instant, his vision greying at the edges. He came round bathed in adrenaline, with his heart pounding on his rib-cage. Straining, he arched his body; in response the ship wrapped itself into Mars orbit and slung out faster than ever.

Ben leapt and danced through the Asteroid Belt, twisting and turning around ancient rocks that threatened him. The asteroids flashed past him until suddenly he was out.

He flew on, travelling ever closer to the speed of light, with the Sun at his back and the depths of interplanetary space yawning ahead of him.

Jupiter loomed ahead, monstrous and bloated, its Red Eye glowered at him. Ben laughed and threw the ship around and around the giant, winding up to greater and greater speed. Breaking free he piked back through the Belt again and around the back of the Sun.

In a flash he was out again, travelling so fast he reached Pluto’s orbit before he knew it. Moving faster than he could think, Ben wrenched around the Sun one more time, looping the whole Solar System. Eyes on the HUD read-outs, he watched for the critical moment, the point where he must break the loop to reach for Orion.

The controls registered 0.999999C, if he ran into anything at this speed.... even a fleck of dust! Fortunately Ben had no time to think on this, he reached the correct angle and kicked steel again. Another atomic blast shook the ship, and Ben struggled against the residual wrenching g-forces, as numbers scrabbled higher and higher on the HUD’s read-outs, until they topped-out at 0.999999999C. He’d hit the light speed barrier, but that last bomb blast was still pushing him on!

~~ According to Einstein nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so anything with any mass that gets close to the to the speed of light and still tries to accelerate will increase in mass not speed. And Einstein wasn't daft, you know.. ~~

Ben gawped as his feet fled from him and the walls of the cabin seemed to expand. Growing, growing huge. The ship swelled, dwarfing the Sun it had left behind. In a moment it seemed to fill the Universe, before somehow mind-bendingly rising above the Universe itself. Ben gazed downward - he was All! He was Everything! The feeling of transcendent power was overwhelming and intoxicating..

Part of Ben wanted it to last forever, but two things jolted him from this line of thought:

- Firstly, there was the strangest sense of being somehow watched.. Watched by an incomprehensible something (or somethings) that lay outside the Universe, which registered with Ben as a kind of pressure on the back of his skull, which triggered a creeping chilly fear in his very spine..

- Secondly, the stony face of a lecturer loomed large in his memory, “..To maintain infinite mass for any length of time requires the ship to leave the Universe - permanently.” the face grinned like a skull,”.. We guess it’s rather cold out there..”\

* C is the speed of light: approximately 300,000 km per second = 186,000 miles per second..

ABOUT: >> I'm giving this sci-fi short-story of mine a re-write.. This is the first of 4 parts in total.. I wrote the 1st edition way back in 1990 (when I titled it 'On Swan's Wings') but I've learned a wee bit more about life, astronomy and physics in the last three decades.. And oh boy, the tech revolution since then! .. \

>> If you enjoy my stories, and feel like dropping me a tip on my Ko-Fi, that'd be cool and helpful, ta! Link is in my comment below, and in my profile too.. :) \

I did try putting the link here, but it turns out that slapped a GIANT ko-fi pic at the top of the story in mobile, which was not my plan at all! \

The noble tradition of human spacers' "Ship's Brick".. Also, the Origin Story of 'Evans' Enema'OC

[ I wrote this bit of daftness as a comment, but it got long enough I thought it should get a post of its own.. Inspired by this HFY post:\_mightiest\_strategist/ ]

"No one to this day knows where he even found a brick."...
And this is how the noble tradition of 'THE SHIP'S BRICK' became A Thing on every (even partially) human-crewed vessel in space..
Notable accomplishments of human 'Ship's Bricks' include:-

- - That One Time a diplomatic First Contact brunch with a new silicate based species was saved from embarrassing failure, owing to lack of foresight in catering.. Luckily, red baked clay turned out to be a prized delicacy of the K'ronchk, who consequently took a very friendly attitude to their new squishy space monkey acquaintances..

- - The fabled Last Stand of (what remained of) the 83rd Space Marine Corp: who were forced to remain behind as rearguard to cover the civilian evacuation of the colony world 'Gloot IV', when an entire Hive-Legion of flesh-eating insectoid Raveners 'ported into the system..

With all commissioned officers dead, one Corporal Evans assumed field command of the wrecked dropship the Marines were using for their last redoubt.. He hailed the Raveners' Hive-General on all frequencies, defiantly issuing a blood-curdling threat involving a horribly graphic mime with his 'Ships Brick': Evans' made clear his intent to "smash [the Hive-General's mouth parts] & [brain-case] with the Ship's Brick, before [inserting] it right up your [solid waste-port]"..
Evans's taunt successfully drew almost all Ravener attention to the Marines' position; allowing the last of the human civilians to escape safely offworld..

36hrs later when the 42nd, 78th and 96th Space Marine Corps 'ported in, loaded for bear, they wrecked the oddly disorganised Raveners both in orbit and planet-side..
As they systematically mowed down the Hive-Legion, eventually they encountered the position of Evans' platoon - their shattered dropship was encircled with a pile of enemy dead that rose above head-height..

Inside the vessel it was carnage: every inch of corridor had cost the Raveners several dead troopers, their purple ichor slimed the decks, walls and even splattered the ceilings.. In ship's barricaded mess hall, where the last few humans had made their final desperate stand, the Ravener corpses were piled up around the doorway like stacked cordwood..

Sadly, every last one of the three dozen Marines had perished as they fought.. Cpl Evan's bloodied one-armed body was found still standing in death, wedged against the giant body of what had been the Raveners' Hive-General - its massive head smashed to an unrecognisable pulp, its mandibles shattered and a 'Ship's Brick' wedged quite a ways up its cloaca..

It's from this legendary action that human spacers coined the phrases "Sending a Brickogram" (to denote a credible threat of ultra-violence delivered to an enemy) and "Evans' Enema Deployed" (to denote its successful application)..

Fixing weights of coinage, weapons, armour & (starter) gear in 5e - Homebrewed Variant Encumbrance to work & make sense [pdf]

Weights of coinage, weapons, armour & (starter) gear in RAW 5e are often way off - generally erring on the side of too heavy.. As someone who's carried heavy packs on foot for long distances, has done a fair deal of manual work with hand tools, and with a lifelong interest in old coinage and historical arms & armour, all of this bugs me.. XD ..
So, I weighed or looked up everything, and re-jigged all of it to create weights & Variant Encumbrance rules that work & are closer to real-world values (this helps my immersion as a DM)..
And by "work" I mean: in the sense that you can be a Str 8 character and still be able to carry & use the most useful of your class starter gear, so that you can function as an adventurer (and get a Mule at your first chance!)..
You can download the pdf here:
N.B.: as DM I don't expect my players to be constantly doing the Encumbrance maths, so at character creation I do all the number crunching, work out each PCs spare unencumbered capacity and make a note of it, so when they pick up more stuff I can flag if they'll cross a threshold.. For newer players I'll often suggest junking a few bits from the starter kit if they're low STR and don't need that item.. E.g.: Are you an Elf? Ok, well, you don't need sleep, so junk that bedding from your bedroll and just keep the blanket, and you've got darkvision so you can junk 6/10ths of your torches too..


With 2 short rests you get up to 15 of those per day.

No, Bardic Inspiration & therefore UW resets with Long Rests, and you'd have to get your CHA to 20 just to get 5 in a day.

Anyway, this is all getting into interminable essay length discussion now, so to conclude. You want SB or any other setting content at your table? That's your choice of course - have fun.

Likewise: at my table, the fun derives at least in part from playing in a setting that is both mechanically & flavour-wise distinct from other settings, with its own specific homebrew, inclusions & exclusions.

No, applying disadvantage to a spell casting is weaker & on average more costly than SB because SB is cast as a reaction ONLY AFTER the target has SUCCEEDED on the first save.

Whereas: e.g.- Heightened Metamagic must be spent at the time of first casting, and depending on the rolls may be wasted, despite costing 3SP.

- Eloquence Bard's Unsettling Words don't even match the strength of disadvantage until the Bardic Inspiration die becomes a d10 at lvl 10, and it can only be used CHA mod times per long rest. UW must also be used in advance of the target making a saving throw.

Also, both of these things are class features that require higher level & higher opportunity cost to acquire than 1st Level spellslots.

[ Unsettling Words".. Also at 3rd level, you can spin words laced with magic that unsettle a creature and cause it to doubt itself. As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration and choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die. The creature must subtract the number rolled from the next saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.." ]

Chronurgy Wizards are Wildemount - if you're not running a campaign in that world no reason to allow them if you think they're OP?

For that matter SB is from Strixhaven, another very specific world-setting.

This recent trend of people wanting all 5e content written for all the various specific settings to be auto-canonical in every other D&D setting is weird af, and risks turning every setting into a homogeneous mash.

As a DM, my own world-setting is definitely not Eberron, Ravnica, Strixhaven, Wildemount nor Theros - so I generally don't include / allow stuff from those books, unless I explicitly choose to import specific bits that fit.

Look at CVTV cameras? That’s their fucking JOB

It WAS the job of backroom police support staff, but the Tories sacked almost all of them around the same time they axed 20,000 coppers.

SARS2 / Covid can cause brain damage (among many other things), so there's that..

Silvery barbs is a powerful spell because

it allows what is effectively a 2nd casting of a high-level spell for the price of one 1st level spell slot, in the same round.

First, ask your cloud if they'd like to grab an al fresco coffee sometime.. then work your way up to a dinner date, a picnic is probably best..

Over 20 years ago: Technically "snuck into" Mexico, by accident: because there was no obvious US checkpoint on the way out, and the badly signposted Mexican checkpoint on the way in was 6 lanes over on the highway (and I couldn't merge over to the turn-off in time) ..O.O.. ..>.>.. ..O.O..

I was a couple of miles deep into Mexico before I found a place to turn around, then had to drive back to the border, go back *in* to the US - explaining I needed to get a stamp on my passport showing that I was exiting (and not overstaying my visa waiver)...

Then had to turn around *again* to go in to Mexico this time in the far right-hand lane so I could turn off into the Mexican border control post to get the visa paper I needed from them! .. It was so incredibly stressful! XD

By law, any establishment be it a hotel, restaurant or shop have to allow me to use the loo even if I am not a customer.

Oh, I did not know this? Which law is that?

".. Years of data, games, apps, music, password files. All gone..."

Use Pendrivelinux website to create a bootable Linux OS on a USB stick, use that to boot your PC, copy all your data files to that USB (or another). Congrats, now you've recovered your lost data.

SCOTUS just ruled that POTUS is basically a king; do you really think US courts will rule in favour of the PRC?

The sun is going to explode in about 5 billion years,

The sun will become a red giant star in 5 billion years, which will be fairly violent, but all you need to do is be in an artifical biome somewhere further out in the solar system, at a safer distance like Mars or Ceres (dwarf planet in the asteroid belt) or Callisto (outermost moon of Jupiter).

We'd blind each other on sunny days.


Mother's who brings children into the world without the ability to feed them without stealing are ABSOLUTELY bottom feeding scumbags.

But she is able to feed her kids, because:

idiot who got pregnant at 18 while still living with her parents

her parents aren't particularly poor either.

Ok, she and her kids are housed & getting fed, she's not stealing, and her family is supporting her. So, what are you doing ranting manically about her in this random thread about shoplifting!? Have a word with yourself, ffs.

"She grabbed the dress and became confused and said it wasn't hers. My sisters began to laugh and said it was an old dress they bought at a consignment store."

Oh wait, it was just a stupid prank with no actual harm done. Ok, it was cruel, but not really that bad in the end.

"I've never seen my fiancee so angry. She got out of the pool dripping wet and demanded to know what my mom was going to do.My mom told her she needed to watch her tone when she is living in her house for free, but then she did tell my sisters that was not ok and too apologize.. They did say sorry but were laughing. My fiancee said "no I asked what the fuck you were going to do" .."

And that's where your fiancee crossed the line into being TA herself.

"My mom said they apologized and it was harmless as that wasn't her dress."

Your mom was right there.

"I confronted my mom later and told her either they are punished to a sufficient standard or she is uninvited from the wedding. My mom looked shocked and hurt, but told me they aren't my children and I don't get to punish them and to get out of her room."

YTA here. Ok, your teenage sisters did a cruel prank, so by all means disinvite your sisters from your wedding, but demanding they be "punished to a sufficient standard" by your mother is presumptuous af.. Threatening to disinvite your mother from the wedding is just weird emotional blackmail, and is especially out of pocket after your mother let you & your fiancee stay rent free in her house. You should probably apologise to your mother for over-reacting.

- Oil instead of butter / marg on bread or toast (Mexican & Spanish influence)

- Adding lime or lemon juice to savoury dishes (Mexican)

- Proper coffee "Americano" from the giant squoosh-whoosh machine when I can get it cheaply = 1x espresso plus about 150ml hot water, black.. (Spanish)

- Siesta if it's too hot in the afternoons, if I can (Mexican & Spanish)

- Drinking cold "bier blonde" from those stubby green 250ml bottles (French)

- Enjoying various blue / stinky cheeses (French)

The average person buys meat in a shop and hopes that the animals were treated with the respect that can be afforded, with no intention to cause the animal more harm than need be. There's no sadistic nature to how most humans eat meat

Unfortunately modern transport & slaughterhousing of animals is inherently horrifically cruel, regardless of intention.

[Personally, I've been avoiding buying meat from mammals that were put through the slaughterhouse system for about 30 yrs now.. here in the UK that means I only tend to buy fish or 'game' / hunted mammalian meat (& sometimes chicken).. But that's just my arbitrary emotion-based line that I choose to draw]

That doesn't have anything to do with what we were discussing tho' - which concerned the 'cruelty' of different animals methods of eating other animals.

You're fully remote? Move, just don't tell them you have. And start looking for another job, in case they try to fire you.