5th Edition D&D

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Weekly Question Thread: Ask questions here – June 30, 2024Discussion

Ask any simple questions here that aren't in the FAQ, but don't warrant their own post.

Good question for this page: "Do I add my proficiency bonus to attack rolls with unarmed strikes?"

Question that should have its own post: "What are the best feats to take for a Grappler?

For any questions about the One D&D playtest, head over to /r/OneDnD

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(5e or One)Hypothetically, how would an army with paladins fare in a war setting?Homebrew

So I’m designing a new campaign, warring factions. One faction is notably the destination of most paladins as they play the “goodie two shoes” part of the world building. The other two factions are more balanced somewhat in terms of class.

Without factoring the PCs into the formula, how would you envision a war/battle/skirmish go, when one side can field 10x the paladins than the other side, when the other side can only field a few paladins and other regular soldier/classes? How can I balance the battle so it favours neither side?

Is elemental adept worth it?Character Building

I play a light domain cleric and since my damaging spells are mostly radiant or fire would it be worth it for me to take it?

Why are dragons so obsessed with gold and what did they do before gold had ever been mined?Story

So I know a dragon's hoard can look like anything. Knowledge, cheese whatever they really fancy. But traditionally its gold and treasure.

How did dragons properly gather gold for their hoard? Did they just rob and conquer kingdoms or steal from merchant guilds, or perhaps they were given tribute to be persuaded not to destroy the local kingdoms. I don't really see how dragons could gather gold any other way than acquiring it from civilisations. Which feels strange because loads of them are fiercely intelligent and it feels like killing and pillaging people for wealth would be beneath them.

Naval combat: What’s stopping a dragon from just destroying the ship?Question

My group is moving through the northern part of the continent, on a ship bound for the pole. They’ve made an enemy of a young white dragon, who I plan to have attack them as they travel.

I plan to run the dragon as dangerously as possible. Breath weapons, swooping attacks…

But in the end, whenever a dragon is chasing/battling a ship and its crew, why not just have the dragon destroy the ship, and assume the people aboard will drown?

Would dragons be able to fly indefinitely?Question

Hey, so, I’ve seen a couple of people saying that “running a dragon realistically” means they would never land and kite the party from a distance.

But I’ve always imagined that flying is quite demanding, especially for such large creatures, and the dragon need to land every now and then to regain power. Sure, a dragon would not be on the ground for the whole fight, that is stupid.

And if the dragons could fly “forever”, how would you make this encouter fun for a close range Barbarian?

Thanks to everyone who answers!

Too easy solution for a hard encounter?SpoilerQuestion

I'd appreciate some perspective with a situation we had in my group. We are in an underwater setting (call of the netherdeep; possible spoilers ahead) and had some problems in the past in a fight with a giant corrupted shark (or something like that), as our melee paladin isn't all that effective under water. As a group we discussed ideas how to handle strong enemies like that in the future. Today we had something like a boss fight and wanted to try an idea. The enemy apparently was an aboleth (we are a level 9 party). We have never fought that enemy before but quickly understood that it might be dangerous, when it tried to mind control (or something of the like) our wizard. The plan was for the wizard to cast temporal shunt and then for the tempest cleric to clear the water with "control water: part water", so the swimming enemy would respawn on land an be easier to fight. The spell didn't work, but we had backup ideas with banishment. As our DM understood what we were trying to do, a big discussion broke loose and we ended the session after discussing for an hour. His point of view was, that our "trick" would ruin his encounter, as the enemy would be useless and easy to defeat, stranded 10 min on land. He argued that he had been preparing a lot and looking forward to playing such a strong enemy and wouldn't have fun himself, if we played the encounter like this. Also there would be more encounters like this in the future and we would break the module, if we played like this. We argued that a good idea should be rewarded and winning a hard fight with a good idea would be a memorable and fun experience. If this really breakes the game, we would have preferred to discuss it after the fight and find solutions. In the end neither we nore the DM really had fun. The fight ended anyway, as the banishment succeeded, was completed and the aboleth apparently isn't from our normal plane. We were discussing ending the banishent early and control water to strand and kill it, but as I mentioned, this is where the discussion broke loose.

I'm interested how others see this situation. Is our solution too easy? Would it even work? Did we miss something? Are we ruining the DMs and possibly our own fun doing it? How would other DM proceed in rulings of the like?

I don't know what to build for my second characterCharacter Building

So, yeah, what the title says.

I've been playing for close to a year now. Only one long-term character (There was my very first, but campaign got dropped after a couple of sessions).

I've been playing an Arcane Trickster Rogue and I've loved it. Rogues are my thing. Always have been in video games and whatnot. So naturally, I love it. Although I'm still learning to role-play "properly".

But now I need to build a new character for a new campaign and IDK how to strike a balance between [Something I'll enjoy playing] and [Something new to try].

I don't want to put myself in a box of "Only Rogues". That'd be boring, to say the least.

That said, I know that, in general, I'm not interested in Paladins and Clerics, for example.

That still leaves a myriad of options and I just don't know where to go.

The second character being harder to build than the first one is quite a shocking surprise.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Fun Backstory/Roleplay Ideas for a Deep Gnome Thief with 6 CHA?Character Building

Stats: STR:13 CON:13 DEX:19 INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:6

Class: Rogue(Thief) 3

any fun ideas?

Wildshaped Werewolf QuestionQuestion

If I'm wildshaped into a giant lizard and something triggers my lycanthropy, do I become a hybrid of the 2 animals or do I just become one or the other? I've seen this question pop up before but I've never seen a clear answer.

Builds using Plane Shift: InnistradCharacter Building

I've been thinking about Plane Shift: Innistrad and how it's a setting that limits players to humans only while still having variation amongst them based on their origin. While having only four options--Gavony (+1 to all ability scores), Kessig (+1 DEX and WIS, the Survival skill, and the Mobile feat), Nephalia (+1 INT and CHA, one skill, and the Skilled feat), or Stensia (+1 STR and CON, the Intimidate skill, and the Tough feat)--is pretty limiting, I really like the overall vibes they all have. With some reflavoring, they even work outside of the Innistrad setting.

I'm curious to see what kind of builds or changes to popular ones that limitation encourages or necessitates, on an individual and party level. Which origin would be best for each class? Would Gavony get any use at all? Am I overthinking this completely? How will this affect the weretrout population? All good questions, and I look forward to the discussion.

For consistency, any builds posted should use the following parameters:

• Innistrad humans only.

• 27 point-buy.

• Take average for HP.

• Mobile, Skilled, and Tough feats disallowed.

Ever wanted to Turn your Home into An Escape Room For a TTRPG SessionResource

I recently created a LARP like experience for my players as their character went to an Escape Room in-game. Any one else did something similar? if yes add your ideas and suggestions so future DMs will be able to do it better.


My revised version of Way of the KenseiHomebrew

Way of the Kensei (revised)

Slightly inspired by u/agenderarcee's kensei revision.

Criticism and balance suggestions are welcome.

PC’s Mind Swapped a human with an Illithid… now what?Design Help

A wizard created a psionic disease that he used as a weapon to wipe out illithids. He was mostly successful but the an Illithid got the tadpole in the Wizard’s head before his hirelings killed it. Used a periapt of health to hold off the parasite and sought help from adventurer’s guild.

This is where the PCs came in, and the wizard said he was captured while studying the mind flayer colony. They took him to strixhaven researching a cure. The now very lonely Elderbrain hired mercenaries to get the periapt. PCs failed to stop this and the in the end they psionic surgeon and an eloquence bard to convince the involved to trick the tadpole into getting stuck in the human brain while party wizard became the tadpole, killed the nascent illithid’s mind, and finished the transformation. PC in the tadpole body experienced the instinct of the mind flayer and some vestiges of racial memory as over the course of 4 days it transformed into an ulitharid. Then they switched minds with the wizard NPC.

Going forward

The PCs need to leave the college and travel hundreds of by boat miles back to the Adventures guild. There is a kraken that is about to lay claim to the city, who will give the city 3 days to acknowledge it’s rule or be destroyed, so PCs will need to sneak out or stay and fight. The human/ulitharid thing will need to figure out what to do now. PC’s have three day before the Kraken attacks and the city lords will have to decide to fight or surrender. That said the city is a magocracy ruled by hereditary storm sorcerers. So, PC help might not be necessary.

I am trying to figure out what “Lovecraft Wizard” will do now that he is one of the things he was trying to make extinct. How much is the mind flayer’s up bringing in the hive minds and how much is programmed into them. What will an ulitharid with the memory, psychology, and soul of a genocidal anti-Illithid abjuration wizard do, when this kraken threatens the city.

The Wizard

Lost a wife to the Illithids. Dedicated his life to eradicating the species. He was convinced by the pc eloquence bard to take this path. While I believe it is possible I can’t figure out if he means to kill himself, study them for more weaknesses, or something else; what makes the best story? I also don’t know if he can control himself or if he will slowly become something else, the alien mindset slowly changing his personality. Does he just disappear? Should he be compelled to start a new colony in a manic or insidious manor? Should he be just a human and actually unchanged? Since this is all very lovecraftian I really doubt the last. Mind flayer lore splits on do they need to eat brains what do people prefer?

by MaesterOlorinRogue Human Wizard
What D&D 5e actually does Better/Best when compared to other TTRPGs?Discussion

I like 5e, even after everything that has happened, but its not the main RPG me and my friends play nowadays (that would be Tormenta 20). This is mostly because it does 2 things that as looking for that D&D 5e doesn't do: an adventuring day based around 1-2 more impactful encounters + more varied player races (like Tiny and Large people, full Undeads and Constructs and more balanced flying races, although I miss flexible bonus attributes).

This got me curious on what exactly D&D 5e does better, like what is the thing that makes you choose it over similar games (like Pathfinder 2e)or games that has close to nothing similar to it (like Apocalypse World)

My Magic Suppressing Cuffs (Homebrew Question)Homebrew

I’m doing a prison break opening for my dnd campaign starting this next week, and I developed a ball and chain that’s made of a metal, cold-iron, that is supposed to suppress magic and drain the energy from the wearer.

The purpose of the metal is for the ruling party to be able to technologically advance faster than magic users can, and cancel their abilities in the process. The cuffs are an “experiment” on prisoners before they begin using it on people.

If a magic user comes in contact with a cold-iron weapon during combat, they may not cast spells on their next turn, and they have disadvantage on concentration to hold spells. The use of this metal will not be very common in the world yet.

The effect of the cuffs is: If a player casts any spell, an ability that is assumedly magic, etc., then the “Vampiric Cold-Iron Chain” will prevent the casting/activation and immediately cast “Vampiric Touch”, activating for the full minute, 3d6 necrotic damage until the wearer is unconscious, but the cuffs will not kill them.

My question is for you lovely min-maxers and sweet little campaign breakers, how would you break these cuffs if you were a level 2 character? One of my players has already said “I have some ideas” and I want to get ahead of the curve.

TLDR: I made magic cuffs to cancel magic users, how would you break them mechanically in game? (Effect above)

Good Monster to complement a trip to a secretly Vampire controlled town?Design Help

My idea is that i want to make a "dungeon" (read 'haunted gothic manor + town combo') in a town with a secret Vampire family, but I don't want to reveal right away that there are Vampires there so I can surprise my friends.

Because of this, I want to use another thing to distract them so they don't suspect the Vampires are pulling the strings.

The premise of the quest is that the youngest daughter of a influencial family in a town has gone missing, with this family + the town's folk supecting that its realated to the other problems plaging the town. In the end it will be revealed that the family that contracted the party are Vampires and the reason of both the troubles in town and the missing child.

What could be an interesting trouble to throw at the players and misdirect them while still falling into the Gothic Horror aesthetic + being interesting to connect to a Vampire family?

A brutally honorable killing thete brother?Question

So I'm in a campaign playing a sliver dragonborn fighter he's very brutal and harsh but honorable like he wouldn't declare victory over a fluke and won't fight a foe who cant defend themselves. But again he's very brutal abd gas bo problem beating you to a pulp(think dinobot from transformers beast wars). In this campaigns lore a great ice age had been gripping the land for 12 years abd in the early days and before him his brother were in an adventuring party buy things got tough and they ended up betraying him abd selling him to slavery since he was a ravenite dragonborn. He dkes wish to get vengeance on his brother if they ever cross paths. Now present day He was hired along with the other players for a job and he's getting psychic messages in his head from his brother warning him but there's evidence that he's captured. Would it be honorable to let him rot or just kill him outright?

Action economy advantage + CC is ridiculous (lvl7 party VS adult dragon)Story

Our 5-member lvl7 party (two Sorcerers, two Rangers, one Cleric) managed to beat an Adult Silver Dragon (CR16).

We just spammed CC spells and made saving throw rerolls with Silvery Barbs.

It used up all its Legendary Resistances on the first round, which allowed it to Breath Weapon and take down 2 members. But then it got CC-ed, during which the downed party members were healed so they could fight again. And after that, it just never got to take any actions again.

As long as 1 hard CC succeeds from the 3 full casters, which is extremely likely, especially with Silvery Barbs spam, the dragon can't do anything, and the rest of the party can DPS.

Not only we won, it was even a surprisingly anticlimactic fight. Action economy advantage + CC is just stupidly strong, since you can just allocate part of your action economy to completely disable the opponent.

EDIT: Since this keeps being asked: The main CC spells were Command, Psychic Lance and Entangle. Aberrant Mind Sorcerers can cast Psychic Lance a lot, thanks to Psionic Spells, Psionic Sorcery and Font of Magic features. Psychic Lance causes Incapacitated, which disables Legendary Actions.

Also, our DM did not expect us to fight the dragon, hence why it was by itself and we were fully rested. One of our members requested a sparring match, but the DM ruled, for fun, that even a breath weapon could do non-lethal damage, so both sides could go all-in as if it was a real fight. The dragon yielded when it was about to go down.

Would a one level dip in bard be useful for a Hexblade warlock? Character Building

My character and another character recently became friends, this character is an elf valor bard that joined the campaign at level 3

RP wise a Tiefling hexlock with a the raven queen as her patron being a silly little assistant bard is very funny and versatile

On the other hand I really want more invocations

What would you make out of gloomstalker pelt?Question

If you skinned a gloomstalker (the monster from Critical Role books, not a ranger) and had an Artificer in the party with leatherworking tools proficiency, what kind of potentially magical item would you create? Some boots, a cape, a saddle? Alternatively, if you DMed for such party and were inclined to let them craft a magic item out of it, what properties would it have?

by emefaRanger
Class turned ClassQuestion

Me n my friends are doing a one shot that may turn into a full campaign, I'm just blanking on a background. I'm doing a bard turned barbarian.

What are peoples opions on Amor Class not scaling because it would break imersion?Discussion

In the design explantion of Bounded accuracy, the lead designer said that he made Armor class not scale as you level up because it would be weird if you we're wearing chain armor and had 19ac while this NPC was wearing the same armor but had 16AC.

so that's why a fighter once he gets the best armor he can will never normally get any better at not getting hit while enemy attack keeps scaling, in a game we're magic items are meant to be optional stands one uncommon per player.

Like wouldn't have been better if each class had armor that scaled with PRF (or bonuses at PRF points to curb multiclassing) and we just limited armor bonuses from Magic items to +1 and +2 for legendary/artifacts while making more magic armors that have Unique properties.

So was it worth making AC kinda irrelvant at higher levels so that Npcs and Players wearing the same armor had the same AC?

New or experienced DM doing Dragon of Icespire Peak or it's Trilogy? Join Us over at r/DragonofIcespirepeakPSA

Hello, Moderator of r/Dragonoficespirepeak and done a massive renovation and ease of use for New and old DMs. We also cover the follow up modules:

  • Storm Lords Wrath
  • Sleeping Dragons Wake
  • Divine Contention
Looking for a dndbeyond alternative for homebrew classes.Resource
Looking for a dndbeyond alternative for homebrew classes.Resources

Is there any good alternative to dndbeyond if one wants to use homebrew classes, as dndbeyond doesn't support homebrew classes?

Paper sheets, PDFs or google sheets are not an option as my players use tablets/phones for their character sheets. And i as a DM should be able to look into their sheets and change stuff there remotely via a laptop.

Ideally it shouldn't be too complicated to use, but it is fine if i have to write in all the features.

Optional: it should be resilient (not tied to a kickstarter service, or something that is abandoned by their devs), free (at least for the players)

This is a a lot to ask for, and i'm not sure there is something like that, that ticks all the boxes. But i would be grateful for any recommendations.