I love how he says "it's tremendous" immediately following the shart 😂😂


I still have a couple of mine

I'd make the first listing photo for the thin blue line record match the other two. Those show the records up close but the third shows it far away, sitting on the ground in a corner.

Also, maybe add a thin gold line variant to include 911 dispatchers? I'd buy one as a gift if the price was a tad lower

I think it's more likely that she's vaxxed and it's the 5G chip in her arm that's causing the interference


(in case it wasn't obvious)

Thank you! I'd been trying to remember whose commercial it was. For some reason I thought it was a Target commercial since their commercials at the time usually featured great music, but it being a Coke commercial makes a lot more sense

Edited to add a link to the commercial on YouTube

$350 now with 3 days and 21 hours left in the auction. Curious to see what the final bid will be

Is it...

  • "Beagles are a fantastic breed"


  • "Bagels are a fantastic bread"


Yeah I thought they meant that they wanted the phrase "24 hours" printed on them as well.

Having this be about wearing them didn't even cross my mind until I read the comments

Andreja left out the part about dumping their pets in a gravel pit after the ceremony

When I reuse boxes, I use Kraft paper tape to cover any Amazon markings/logos and any barcodes that might be on the box

Right, so it's an herb jar just like a weed grinder is marketed as an herbal grinder. Kitchenware. The shop listing doesn't matter on a customs declaration form. They're looking at the item inside, not the shelf and promotional ads from the store it was bought from

If it's for herbs, then it can be a jar for herbs and spices, which falls into kitchenware. You're overthinking it and won't get into trouble if you sell it as kitchenware and then someone uses it for coins or pens or whatever.

Reminds of the hole in the ozone layer