Slice and dice. Doesn't have quite what you look for. Still a great recommendation if you like deckbuilders. Cannot overstate how fantastic it is.

Looking for a game with a specific class: spellblade

That's my favourite class but it never felt quite right. I've played soulstone survivors, rogue legacy, ToME, Last Epoch. And it's in LE where I believe I had the most fun. And I don't want to "customize my class to be a spellblade" I want it to BE a spellblade like the classes can't be mixed and there's a clear distinction and design to it. Bonus if it's roguelike as it's one of my favourite genres.

Spiritfall is done. It feels complete, I'd say. And if you like super smash brothers + hades you will like this quite a bit. But there's something that bothers me about it. And that's that the rogue like elements sometimes aren't meaningful enough (the boons from the animals) they're usually something alongside deal 10% more damage when you do an specific thing. It is still quite satisfying to pull combos off.

Now ravenswatch, that's a very good game. If you have played curse of the dead gods, you will get a similar feeling but this time, what I like about the game is how much certain builds play out. And that EVERY SINGLE TALENT has some kind of VFX. Seriously you play nothing like you do at the start and can get really strong. But it doesn't have a ton of replayability when you unlock all the ranks on the characters. So if you have unlocked everything of talents for the heroes, you won't get anything new. And it sorta lacks more bosses/alternative things to do. Despite being a roguelike you mostly get the same enemies and there's a very clear pattern (I want to believe this will be solved soon enough.) but the amount of characters is fun enough you will get broken builds out of nowhere and it's very intuitive. Also its more diablo/poe arpg

Imo I like rw better. But spiritfall is more arcadey and also has more long term content RIGHT NOW. But it's also of note that rw is on ea, and will get a price increase sooner rather than later whereas spiritfall won't. Also I will note how transparent both games were with their update schedules specially sf where it had an update every month. Really cool stuff.

I have an old system i5 6400 + 1050ti. Lowering res didn't help either.

Literally game would run about the same as in elden ring in my rig if it hadn't got denuvo.(Around 40 fps low)

Given I couldn't run bg3 when In the wild. And this game is supposedly very well optimized. Yeah it's better than expected because I expected worse. It doesn't mean it's right but I genuinely think they did a better job than larian.

I'm more impressed how smooth it works when you're fighting monsters. I think the only thing it lacks in optimization is the cities? Definitely an overreaction from the public.

Bro steam page said in game store. The promo for PS5 said microtransactions. Just look it up it's not new. All the Capcom games have it. And these are super tame even as they are.

I bought new system I'm playing it on it because I want to see what would I have got if I played on it + shoving some light for people with low end builds

There are games I barely can run and this one does run somewhat fine on low no fsr with old hardware? Idk what are you on. But I've seen worse.

Consistent 15 fps in a town I'm just going to buy shit and won't combat with anything? Playable as long as I'm not fighting. It's still fucking impressive when my rig in bg3 fucking dies when there's like 7 characters on screen

Performance is better than expected on my end.Discussion

Currently trying the game with an almost decade old low end rig. I5 6400 + 1050 ti And the game does run smoothly? Even if it's 25 fps it works really well and there's almost no stutter and is pretty consistent. No crashes, no choppy frames nothing. Except towns that remains at 15-13 (surely that's unplayable but still okay to play from).

I am really looking forward to the patch. But I'm heavily surprised. Thought it would be much worse.

They sure sound like they care about the game because they're talking about every single point of critizism in their reviews. More than other developers have said (except denuvo but we can't do shit about that). Props to them.

Why are you being so mad over a character you made yourself? Bruh just delete the save file from scratch and start again if you're so bothered. Literally the most meaningless micro

As someone said. Higher ups want game with micros. Itsuno says ok and disguise it as mtx but you can get that easily in-game. Idk I think it's a pretty good idea.

Why would you want to change your character's appearance to begin with after spending hours in the character creator? Its a very minor micro transaction imo. That literally affects zero

Cable management on antec GX 505 caseBuild - Help

How does one do it? I'm struggling hard on it. Are there any good examples/recommendations? Using a non modular PSU too.

I mean in reviews. I have seen the showcase.

What about the colour pattern? Does it literally mean nothing?

Then why are they purposefully mysterious about it? Why no warfarer showcase? What is up with that.

Are these all..? All the vocations..? Discussion

Even the reviewers are being cryptic. Only arekkz said something which is not conclusive or definitive. "What we saw that's what we got" Fextralife hadn't said anything about it. But he seemed lots more enthusiastic. But noone said that we got 10 vocations or when they talked about getting other vocations it took them a lot of time. But didn't say exactly which. What is it... My heart is in shambles. I only really want to know if there's one more...

I'll be optimistic and say around 90-95

Thanks I'll be running on stress tests as soon as I can to make sure it's working fine. Any recommendations?