Ooh! Let shame the single moms (not dads) about getting jobs, make insurmountable barriers to achieving independence, shame them and then tax them 33% of their already slashed earnings, before scolding then about their children and after setting up barriers for them voting? Teehee can't figure out why women complain, let's intimidate them more (see: murder or mass war/shooting/prison ratio as equality)


Sorry mod, too real. Please delete.

How many pardons does it take to get a monopoly? Or draft dodge? I missed that square..

Yeah, but now what? Who is going to break the news to him how kindly

Update: I told my bf that sleeping with a thoracic pillow at night wasn't cheating and he tried to slit my throat ☠️

Plans change, so what? Do you want some machosimistic kid to high five you and say do violence? Why are you asking them/ us and not a therapist??

Meh, first half of that I could feel it. Second half felt like selfish flagellation and hatey, Imma gonna pass lol

"teehee I wasn't held accountable for blindly crossing personal, social or physical boundaries in private before, so that's why I continue!"

Just gram a finger in his least desirable orifice (nostril, anus, eye etc) in reaction and see if he takes it with accidental ease and acceptance for the same reasoning.

Ask him loudly in public why he was pawing at your chest against your will and what others would do. If he claims ignorance, a crowd can quickly, if unkindly inform him. Maybe then he will be more skilled at acceptance and consent.

It sounds like here, now men are having difficulty listening and not judging. Best get on that. Or invest in ear plugs if they are so offended?

Someone should retort with free classes on equality aka feminism offerings

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I learned to try and take everyone's, and I mean EVERYONES opinion -especially entitled people who 'know' with a huge grain of salt

Yeah, who needs prevention or wants to support other children to make a better future? Fuck it, we have bombs to build, let's just maintain the status quo and find another marginalized group in need of help to blame for the problems we perpetuate. Yay! The system.. works?


We can't know everything about how our feelings will change, but promises are meant to be keep. Not just discarded for a new flashy prize on the horizon.

Everyone has advice for what OP should do for him (be angry, leave, go to the same gym and hit on other dudes etc) but only surface level bemusement at the psychological toll of being cheated on and gaslit, after 10 years? That's a long-ass time

How does one cope with "their person" experiencing the sudden mood swings, changes of alliances, forgets of promises /security and how to reconcile that against what they built??

Is he a strong enough man to get past his own fleeting fancy to save himself and her? Or do we encourage separation like a mob in stead of understanding or repair? 🤔

I fear this is a "grass is always greener" scenario

A change of heart like that? How does it happen?

"I guess you can't covet your neighbors wife after you already got her" (why would I want what I already have??) and she asks to be on the lease or equality, then ya bored and need a new goal. Marriage counseling as self improvement? Naw, that's not fun let's just go to the gym in our horny shorts /s

I always feel guilty for casually smashing the nicely made burger in to a mouth-sized flatten-terrium and then hornking it down


"I plan on being sick or something next week, so no." Don't let people push your boundaries to sell you short.

Did lady offer at least a few hundred dollars for the favor she is asking of you?

Put the lifting on their shoulders and don't feel guilty about them not cancelling their little romance trip.

Having children entails constant responsibility from the parents, not dumping children when you want to party and making them other's problem

It's okay to feel negative things, resentment is better than anger; these feelings can be a sign ☢️ telling us so mething important needs to be addressed.

And it can be! just try not to overstress 💕

Coping and withdrawal symptoms are tricky. Any crutch we use - twirling our hair, eating candy, chewing gum, masturbating, physical sensations can become cover for other things. Replacing one impulse with another is easier than just cutting off. Confrontation of underlying issues and adapting to a new normalcy is really transformative. And uncomfortable

Perhaps it's a sign: you can look in to the now or never. Future present, and past.

Whether myopic or not, be free to see