Stfu that is history. You weren't there. You don't know.

Back in '86, a recklessly tugged zipper caught my dickskin like a brass-toothed chainsaw tearing through innocent pinched up weenskin. 6 stitches on the bottom shaft where it meets the helmet. Yep, right on the button. Never worn anything but trusted elastic ever since. It's mental illness to keep metal teeth that close to your bird. All those pantaloon sporters are the crazy ones. Them and baofangers down the street.

You're right. He would lose it all on FDs in a week.

That is my point exactly, yes. The choice is outrageously expensive while local human, or extremely cheap and AI. Save taxpayers a few million. The outcome, I assure you, would be equal quality at best.

You could buy exactly 1 pretty nice car and afford to insure it, gas it, and maintain it for a couple of years with that... and still live with parents and work full time at Wendy's, and not be ahead at all in banked cash (minus the purchased vehicle). Think about that, haha, a millionaire for sure.

It's to increase sales on less popular items, since you can't use them for everything. And I guarentee you, whatever that one thing you want is, they don't take stampede bucks.

Or set conditions like education or housing. It's not hard to keep an idiot from blowing it outright. Laziness, or too much trust in a degen. You get this.

Could have used AI to generate 50 ideas, ranked choice voting on it down to top 3. Refine the best, another round vote for final. Revise final with any small amendments.

That's like an afternoon and will cost less than $15,000 to fully buy a rocketship PC to run local image generation models, in house, forever.

Sad it didn't go to a local artist? Sad some tax money cant go to a yyc overpriced marketing firm? OK, so now you get what we see here.

Ranked choice vote by secret ballot. Solved.

Make sure everyone knows that the decision is final upfront, no hard feelings. Once committed to the rules:

Distribute app (paper if you want) make members submit results, consolidate data. Make a decision. Stick with it and don't waiver. Next decision time.

Refreshing seeing dash footage where there isn't a complete dickhead driving in at least 1 of the cars.

Finally, I found my evil red twin. I go black, everytime. Start low, double the loss, and see how incredibly easy it is to see a 10 red streak.

If you do that, don't tell them the principle amount, just that monthly payments of x will be routed. If they are smart, they will want to control the pot. And that might be for their benefit, but if you don't trust em, best to not half ass it. Buy an annuity, lock it up.

See how they handle money now. Give em a chunk and guide em. Let them show you their plans. Advise, you know, parent. And then when they get a real sum one day, you don't have to be scared.

You use "We" quite a bit in your comment, but I can assure you that you and I, and the rest of us reading here were not consulted on any of these "we" decisions. They didn't just fall out of the sky randomly or even evolve from vast input. These choices were planned deliberately, not by us, but by the stringpullers who have orchestrated the greatest heist ever attempted. They plan in terms of generations, not just months or years, but lifetimes. The chessboard today was set in motion pre WWI.

12 v into a 3.3v or 5v input is going to fry your board.


If you have a voltage converter, or mechanism to make sure the input voltage is correct, then shouldn't be an issue .

I tried selling my hairy belly button lint, but sadly, no takers.

Make sure you have the proper insurance in order, or orelse you'll be opening yourself up to a world of legal problems should some unforseen stuff go down.

I like that you can see the beautiful mountains on a clear day.

I like that you can actually see a cowboy hat in the wild outside of Stampede.

I like that it cools down at night, and often rains in the evening in summer. Thunder storms are a bonus.

And now for the unpopular opinion on Reddit, I like that our provincial government is often at odds with the federal liberal party.