It also comes down to how fast hornets boil

I'm playing monowhite storm with [[Mavinda]] as my commander.

Obviously he had the old Sliver 5c but "hey guys I'm running Sliver Queen for the colors" is a hard sell. The real MVP is [[Cromat]], which is


A thing.

"If god and the designers at WotC didn't want to make Emrakul a smash, they wouldn't have allowed her Emrakussy to be out"

It's very useful, especially since we just dumped a card that can sac it into our graveyard

I tend to use it to tutor for [[Vile Entomber]], who then dumps [[Sticher's Supplier]] into my graveyard, which provides me a serious outlet for toolboxing.

Then Dimir House Guard can recurred by sacrificing a creature such as Imperial Recruiter the same turn it was used to tutor

Side note: regenerate is not recursion. DHC is, however, an amazing card to keep your value etbs in the graveyard for Alesha.

Someone: romantic love and sex make you human!

Aros, turning to aces: gods?

Of course, but it's still kind of a mind fuck to hear "oh yeah 30 lands is a lot in commander", even with fast mana

22-26 is fair depending on how expensive your cards are. The 30-40 is for 100 card commander decks.

What's really funny is watching cEDH players go "yeah it's a 23 land deck.

Fuckers are insane.

MCR and 3DG can both be reasonably classified as "dad rock" now

Don't all power stones come in tapped? Tokens too? Such a rip off.

So the tokens only come in tapped because every card that creates them create them tapped. If you copy the token it'll be untapped. Otoh, Worn's always going to enter tapped- you need Amulet of Vigor.

Honest to God there's something trippy and pleasing about the arrangement of the "absolutely not, go fuck yourself" man.

I guess "chill" isn't the right word.

"Unwilling to get into a shouting match about it" is more accurate.

Make a story where grasshoppers get massacred on their divine fields

What's actually happening? They don't fucking move out of the way of bikes and leave enough corpses on the sidewalk to make me FUCKING QUEASY. For two months

Oh yeah absolutely, especially since he knew she had a crush on her

She wasn't fun to be around, as "one of the bad men" (which I was okay with hearing because I didnt care what she thought about me)

Oh my God I have a story about this. In my dorm last year, my boyfriend (who's trans, this does absolutely matter) was friends with someone who vocally would say she hated "all men". Now I'm chill with someone saying that because conceptually I know she doesn't actually mean that- and it's almost a joke if it's "all men", because she was questioning, and was attracted to basically every single guy. The problem came when she would say "all men except this one she had a crush on" in front of him, because then I'd point out my boyfriend as another man she doesn't hate and either she doesn't see him as a man (unlikely) or she's saying this without considering the consequences of not acknowledging him as "a good man".

Shit's annoying, if you couldn't tell


Also, Aven Interruptor does basically counter counterspells, since you can only plot at sorcery speed.