Yes SemiLiquid pre-real estate is the right descriptor for me. Enough money to do something but not enough for a down payment in my area, with several looming hardships in the next 2-5 years.

That edit is too empathetic and nuanced for Reddit comments sir. Please revise.

He’s escalating Leave and finds a new gym / coach

What’s the defense against this? Dodge don’t get hit? Keep weight off the front leg?

You call her back, apologize, and say you want to meet. IF you meant it, when you said her never speaking to you again was the worst part of your life. Why not amend it. You’re still her dad. There are still lessons to be learned in both directions. Show her compassion and forgiveness, and move on with her and her granddaughter in your life.

If you’ve got a half an hour, here’s Sensei Seth’s take:

Is that more Gen X? Same with “Poison Ivy”

Football games need cash, and your passport.

Symptom of social media. Constantly seeing people at their best in what ever context or talent, not realizing that there’s 8 billion people that the “best” is drawing from. Need to stop comparing oneself to others, though it is hard not to.

Exhibit A for wrongful death suit with in 5 years

The two years I lived in SOMA with no car were the best years of my life.

Nope, because if it’s not the above, then the person won’t train. And therefore will lose all efficacy.

A lot of comments stating how the opponent was extra aggressive, but there has been more and more trickery with fake knock outs to lure them in, and choked fighters making noises to seem worse. Just like when they charge in with hammer fists after knocking some one down until the ref stops it’s, it’s the opponents job to keep going until the ref calls it.

A good martial is: fun, close, safe, affordable for your income. Nothing else matters

Out of all the bad things a student can do during an exam, drawing is the least of my worries. Good on you for keeping yourself occupied, and staying creative. As long as they’re PG, doodle away!

Isn’t there a Jesus quote stating Old Testament no more and he is the way with the New Testament?

Imagine spending your hard earned family vacation time and money to go here and just to take this photo. It would be like going to DC just to take a family photo flipping off the IRS.

You’re what I call a butturfour. You think you’re a ten but you’re a four.

@behindthebroadcast needs to get on Reddit?