Look for airbnbs in Harvie Heights. Directly outside of the park and we stayed in a cute townhouse that was half the price of both Canmore and Banff airbnbs!

Also insulting AF to beagle owners when the only thing this dog has in common with a beagle is that it is tricolor (news flash everyone, like 40 different breeds of dogs come in tricolor)

Great grandfather died of it a few years ago, but not before I was tested positive for the gene and had a child already đŸ« 

As a tourist who just did a wildlife tour last week, 100% skip and just drive around yourself. All of the animals we saw on the “tour” we saw on our own just exploring. Did learn a lot about the park and its wildlife but take the money you’d spend on the tour and go to the Banff Taxidermy museum instead

I actually have been doing a lot of my schoolwork in marketing communications because it interests me and I like advertisement. But I have zero professional experience in this aspect and only academic work to back up my experience. I keep looking for externships outside of veterinary medicine to get more experience but literally no one is responding to my applications. I apply, wait a few weeks to a month, never hear anything back and then i always email recruiters/job posters for feedback on why I wasn’t selected and no one responds to that either. I know I’m not the only person having this issues as several of my classmates are having the same dilemma. I just feel so disheartened because I don’t want to be in a clinical setting forever but I feel like I am doing everything I can to get experience and move on but no one will give me a chance.

Any idea how to get a foot in the door for phamaceutical sales/rep/territory manager?

I’m an LVT with approx 8 years clinical experience in large animal, GP, ER/Specialty. I’m in my senior year at a university for a bachelors in communications/project management and my goal is pharmaceutical sales. I am having such a hard time finding open positions and the positions I am finding I can’t even get interview or get anyone to respond about internship/externship since I am not finished with school yet. Does anyone have a recommendations/experience on how to get into it??

Need Advice on How to Proceed

I (27F) work at an animal ER. I am considered a senior staff member and in turn am expected to be a role model for newer/inexperienced staff without being rude or impolite. I recently was reprimanded for gossiping and negativity.

For background context, I am extremely burnt out in my profession. My company is corporate who makes it clear that numbers talk, experience and work ethic do not. I have been passed up 4 times for advanced positions within management. So basically, I operate like a leader without the title or pay. I have a tendency to talk too much and without filter. I recognize this as an issue and have actively been working on it. Last week I was asked by another peer who was also passed up for the same position on what management said to me when I was declined the role. I explained that I was told to continue to try to move up and it was extremely insulting to me as I have tried so many times and the only feedback I am given as to why I did not get the position is because “another candidate was a better fit.” This is one of the instances management brought up in my meeting so I know this person went and told on me for “gossiping” even though I am not sure how that is considered gossip.

I am extremely disheartened by this meeting and being reprimanded. I do not gossip about my coworkers but we all as a group tend to talk and discuss things that I know shouldn’t be talked about on the floor. I consciously and actively try to remove myself from these conversations but I feel as though as soon as I slip up, someone runs to management to complain about me. My company recently fired someone and the same people who complained about that person are now targeting me. What is most upsetting is that these same people who complain about me constantly try to be friendly with me on the floor and conversate and now I am questioning if they are just baiting me into saying something to get me in trouble. I have tried just sticking to myself and not talking to anyone unless it is work related but then I get called into the office for being standoffish and in a bad mood. How should I proceed with this situation?

Best time for parking Downtown?Question

My trip to Banff is this upcoming week, I’m trying to plan a downtown day on Monday. Wondering if 1. It’s going to be extremely busy and hard to find parking 2. Best time to get there to park and walk around 3. Best recommendation for parking (was looking at Train Station lot but I’m worried about the time constraint)


Not a vet but an LVT for 9 years. I promise you I have worked with every type of veterinarian and some of the best doctors I have worked with have failed the NAVLE, some multiple times. At the end of the day, test scores don’t matter. Clients don’t ask what your grades were like, patients sure as hell don’t care what your grades were. I know how stressful it can be in that waiting period to see if you passed or not, but I am sending you positive vibes and I hope you get a pass! At the end of the day, what matters is your dedication and passion to helping the voiceless

LVT (Licensed Veterinary Technician)

Pet sitter was trying leash the dog, it got crazy, freak accident ensued. Safely removed with some dexmed and send home with anti-crazy drugs 😋

LVT (Licensed Veterinary Technician)

Never have I ever been part of an appointment for a suspect FB where the dog ate a condom that then filled with fecal material and obstructed the small intestine, this condom also wasn’t the owner’s 15 year old son’s.

I’m an LVT in a conservative state. I have facial piercings,one sleeve,a half sleeve on my other arm, and a very noticeable neck tattoo. I also work for a very busy BluePearl. I have never once had anyone complain about my tattoos, honestly clients compliment them more than anything. My management doesn’t care how I look as long as I am good at my job! Most people in vet med have body modifications now, including doctors

We don’t have much money as a collective. Driving is really the only option for all of us

Edit: one of the other big reasons why i don’t want to take them because i will be spending this money and will not get any help with gas or if something were to happen with my car I’d financially responsible for them until my car gets fixed

AITAH because i won’t drive my cousin to our grandmas funeral?Advice Needed

I (26F) had a grandmother that passed away a few days ago. It has been extremely hard on my entire family, especially my mom.

My grandma wanted to be buried in her hometown which is about 13 hours away from where we are currently. My entire family has made arrangements to travel and there for a service in 4 days. Everyone except my cousin (33F) and her three children (4,7,13).

My cousins father purchased a rental car for her and her family to travel from their home about 7 hours away. The original plan was for my cousin and her kids to leave today. Now she wants to go to the funeral 13 hours away. Her boyfriend who has not been around this entire time, is choosing to take the rental car back to their home tomorrow. My cousin has been staying with my mom for 4 days, sleeping in my moms bed, eating their food, and letting her kids destroy the place while she just sits on her phone vaping.

Apparently, my family has volunteered myself and my sister to drive my cousin and two of her children to this event. I was already driving myself and my 4 year old. My family did not ask me before they volunteered me so naturally, when i found out, I was upset. I already have severe anxiety while driving and knowing I was going to have to take this trip with my own child has been stressful. I told my mom and sister that I would not be taking my cousin or her kids. They are all extremely upset and calling me selfish and saying this is not what my grandmother would want.

I understand that this whole situation is terrible to begin with but i feel as though my cousins poor choice and planning does not constitute an emergency on my part. I don’t feel comfortable risking my child and my owns safety for my cousin. I also do not feel comfortable driving with multiple small children for a long period of time. I also had told my family that my job has not granted me the time off for this yet (I should hear back from my manager tomorrow) and asked my family what would happen if I couldn’t go. They are all adamant that I am the worst for not putting this to the side so everyone can go to the funeral 13 hours away. So am I the asshole for refusing?


Only posers fall in love. And the guy who doesn’t do drugs, dies from an overdose.

It was Happiness for me until i heard Say Hi. I literally cry every time i listen to Say Hi.

My family confronted me today about me “starving myself” but in reality I’m just to depressed to eat or think that i even deserve to eat. I’ve lost so much weight in the past two weeks, maybe this’ll be the way i go

I lost the one I loved recently as well. I told him my true feelings and he ghosted me. I’m sorry you’re feeling this pain, I relate to you. I understand the need for physical touch and the warmth of someone’s love on your skin. I hope it gets better for you

Update: he saw my Snapchat story this morning and still hasn’t texted me back so I guess the relationship is just fucked. Another one to add to the books I guess