it does disable the steam overlay i think? idk if it's a separate issue

how much? because i have not encountered that yet


so basically i don't know what happened but the phantom screen disappeared from actually existing

but it's still detected in settings, imma run the command rn

Edit: here is the output

$ xrandr --listmonitors

Monitors: 1

0: +*DVI-D-0 1440/400x900/250+0+0 DVI-D-0



Phantom display problemSupport


I don't know why but there is a second monitor detected despite me only having one. This phantom screen messes with games and my cursor can go there. I have no idea how to fix it

For me: Brick -> commit something that makes something not boot

nah i bricked the live linux intall, i flashed the usb again and it all worked

i guess don't press the "back" button a lot is the lesson

i once bricked my linux install by switching a driver and switching it back without restarting, i don't fully know about my usb installer brick though

i only successfully made a windows live usb once. tbh Ubuntu just works rn plus windows is going down.

the most thing is that i don't really know what caused it? is there a known thing for pressing "back" and "next" a lot in 22.04 bricking the installer

I just had a great embarrassment Fluff
Awaiting moderator approval

It doesn't have a name yet, I'm actually gonna name it as it releases. But i refer to it as "fstop mod thingy". No ModDB page yet

Hmmmm, yeah try reinstalling it

Cus it doesn't work on Portal 2

Wait are you playing Portal 1 or Portal 2?

Huh that's strange

Are actually sure you have sv_cheats? Cus you need to enable it every time the game launches

Did it say something in the console after any of the commands

Did you have sv_cheats 1 Before any of the commands btw?