Just in case this isn't a shitpost, you cracked the screen. You'll need to get that replaced.

And so begins the era of the light pirates!


Either a Caterpillar or Retaliator. If modularity gets fully implemented on the cat, that's a lot of options.

Whatever the heck shot my temperature to 106 as a newborn, probably. Luckily no lasting complications outside of some very minor hearing loss, so thank God for modern medicine or I might have met him very early

It's a damn shame. It was awesome consistently hearing good news about a company. Hell, I swear by their power supplies

Zadrada. I do like me my bratty ones

Will probably be a pretty hearty card for 1440p, which is kinda the sweet spot for gaming at least in my opinion. Always loved the XX70s cards for being a good upper mid level choice

I keep saying I feel like I'm living in a God damn satire, and they keep doing stuff to convince me even more.


I get they want you to use a big torp for big targets, but come on man, a caterpillar goes 130 and a reclaimer can outrun it by boosting

If it's not on PC, I'm just not going to play it. It's just that simple

Sony: ok after the Helldivers fiasco we need to keep our records clean for a while to let the heat die down

Also Sony:


[[Grave pact]] and its copy cat cards. A lot of people I play with tend to rely heavily on indestructible, and hexproof, so I ended up building up a deck that basically gets around all that while supplying myself with a large token army to expend when needed. It's brutal and kinda rude, but it does perform really well.

Nothings powered like Pablo Powered

Try updating the drivers, a new HDMI/Display Port cable, and see if that fixes the issue. If this works, that's awesome. Otherwise, it likely is GPU failure

Technology in cars. I literally just want a normal ass radio, a working AC, and a few knobs and buttons. Why do I need a screen to see what is on the radio or whatever I'm playing through my phone?

But God forbid they put anything useful on that screen like I dunno, why my car lit up like a Christmas tree which led to its own little adventure of finding out why.

Two Pablo's, two stars

Depends on if your setup is good enough for you atm. If it's good, wait it out.

Get a warrant. Get the fucking warrant. Hol-e-fuck Get the fuckin warrant.

Probably the original Layers Of Fear. It was so bad that it was actually amusing to play just to watch the train wreck unfold


Time for your playgroup to pass around the [[Zurgo, helmsmasher]] deck and learn to start swinging

Nono, this is a Pablo thread now