The only thing Cowboys fans can brag about.

Nah. Any stat that puts the cowboys first on anything is invalid.

RFK jr will pull a Bane and claim the championship

Literally grooming but it's ok because Strong Independent Woman I guess

Stepan Bandera is overlooked because of the little time he was on the team but he was key on the 1943 title push.

If we need a human sacrifice to prevent England winning anything, I'm volunteering as a sacrifice

Who the fuck is that"fans", Karl Malone? Jeffrey Epstein?

Blue wins. It already surrounds everything.

Date? I WANT TO MARRY YOU πŸ˜πŸ’—πŸ˜πŸ’—πŸ˜πŸ’—!!!!!!!

No joke, Rob Manfred would rather host a world series in Pyongyang than spending one minute in Oakland

Definitely yes. They already launch bombs πŸ’ͺ