That was meant to be for things like smoking marijuana, but even that affects others if you drive high. The rest has only increased crime, to the point where a robbery is no longer worth going after since they’ll let the thief go after a few hours.

And guess what, that means poor people can get robbed and the only time the police might do something is if a rich person gets robbed.

Yup, if you need a 4 year degree to make 2x minimum wage with 10x the responsibility, it starts making the degree worthless.

Then why are you complaining about it?

You’re not understanding that every other business has their employee benefits included in their price. Imagine going to costco and during checkout they add 3% on top. It’s not normal.

Hope one day we include tax in there too. Price you see is price you pay. Same with recycling fee, service fee, 18% tipping, etc other bs.

Had the criminal killed Gallegos those people would still sympathize with the criminal.

Point being that the city does not have the power to spend 300% of its annual budget just for the construction of homeless housing in Los Angeles. It needs to be built outside of the current city to make it work. That's my solution. The funding is to come from the federal government anyways partially.

My point of the finances was that you can't spend more money than you have, and you understand it when it applies to yourself it looks like. Why does not make sense to you when it comes to housing homeless people? The city can't spend that much money since it doesn't have it.

I have done construction in the past and I am doing construction now, so I'm speaking based on my current experience with pricing. I'm not sure why you think I don't understand construction, labor costs or amortization.

Do you read what I write or pick at words that excite you? I gave a solution that you skipped over.

PS, I said 50k a person because I know that’s how much it currently costs with the current approach and we’re only increasing that number. How is it that my cost of living is less than 50k/year? There are 1000s of shelters and houses sitting empty while someone made 150M on this project. I’m sure you have a job that makes 100k a year and you go around spending 150k a year.

Ignorant and a bigot you will continue to be, if you are not open to having a conversation but spreading hate.

You fall into the same category of people who prejudge based on race, sex, etc. You’ve drawn up an imaginary line for yourself and started labeling others as ignorant and entitled having no information on me what so ever. That makes you a bigot.

I can prejudge in a similar way. Someone that lives with their parents, doesn’t have enough income to make rent. Complains about other’s “luck” of being born a certain color and coming from a certain background. If you’re not these, then understand the following.

If you ever save enough money to build an ADU, or end up with your parent’s house when they pass away, you’ll be considered a landlord. Would love to talk to you more about what your thoughts are on housing, but I can’t have a conversion with you if you’re going to be condescending and disrespectful.

Have we ran out of land? Bakersfield, Palmdale, Victorville… places that have land available for cheap that the state can help fund construction for.

For the second question, you’re asking if the homeless population wants these free houses? Well they can’t have their cake and eat it too. You can’t expect LA to build 50k luxury apartments in DTLA to house the current homeless population. If not having a home was an issue, the problem was solved.

I’m asking the question of at what cost do we approach homelessness. Is 50k/year reasonable? Is a lump sum of $1M reasonable? At what cost to the public good is this solving? I’m saying that the cost of this at 600k/unit is way too high for it to be justified, when there’s plenty of new homes being built in the outskirts for cheaper. Homelessness shouldn’t mean luxury condos in DTLA.

I’m saying someone pays for those handouts, so those handouts should be there to help someone get out of a bad situation, not make it permanent.

In context, are you saying that homeless people don't care for their living habitat and cause dispair in the community they are in?