This shocks me whenever I hear the details from friends in the field.

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This is exactly what I thought when I saw that pic - yes to the apartment but also to be back in a city, have money, great social life, write when I want and be published. I don’t like HER but her life is pretty damn key.

My kids would live in a different neighborhood and visit all the time. My husband is dead so that’s easy.

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So does Madonna and we see how that went down. :-(

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The lash thing is horrible. My favorite is when someone wears no makeup, unwashed messy hair, sweats and then glam lashes.

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To be fair, JLo is also a genetic anomaly and has taken SUPERB care of her face, body, health, etc.

Yes and it made the jury have to choose between 2 options - KR did it or McAlbert, CPD, MSP conspiracy. Just showing that KR didn’t do it and here is why and then highlight the horrible investigation and how none of the evidence was properly stored or collected.

I think they were worried who they would have to answer to in their respective communities.

Look at her documenting her “pain & suffering”.

I see what the OP is pointing out and empathize that she’s going through this issue. There are a lot of resources and advice here that can help and no one is saying the OP shouldn’t seek help and support.

BUT it’s like a man with no hands listening to someone cry they broke their finger. While breaking a finger also deserves sympathy, recognize that it’s hard for the man to not see it as a minor problem. There are rules around gate keeping and I’ve gotten suspended for it but I still feel like it’s almost cruel for people with full heads of hair (like bountifully full) to post about minor loss. It’s sometimes feels like they’re trolling us.

There are many posts of people jealous of people with normal hair and people who spend so much time wishing for normal hair so to have it shoved in our faces in what is meant to be a safe, supportive space is tough.

MODS - Please don’t suspend me, I don’t know the solution but it needs to be discussed somewhere. It’s a legitimate issue. I think it’s important for people with minor loss to be grateful it’s not worse and to not obsess about it while they seek treatment. That’s not gatekeeping that’s good advice.

Does anyone else feel the same?

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I love Joe Benigno. He is very relatable and reminds me of my uncles. Hard working, easy going tries to do the right thing but blind to the wrong doings of their loved ones.

High-quality fakes meaning you have to really know what you’re looking for to know it’s a fake.

Not that they are made well.

Interesting how many people have cheekbones installed when they become housewives. We notice the lips and noses right away but the cheekbone difference is PROFOUND.

Her body isn’t becoming more muscular or lean, it’s becoming gaunt. That doesn’t happen from weight training - only cutting calories.