Difference is that (current JJK/CSM pt 1 spoilers) .

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

Isn't that kind of inefficient, given that the heal has a hard 39s window where it doesn't work? Sure you get +25 mana over just Arcanes and the aura, but it doesn't strike me as the best.

Power keeps her glock at the Vatican, this shit ain't NOTHIN to her, man.

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

Reverse Reverse Polarity still feels like active griefing, I just can't think of a scenario where you'd just want one person instead of a multi person wombo combo.

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

"free game, no bitching" every single treasure/chest reveal.

I've seen that prompt and have changed it already. Tried to add my account to RR post-password change (this was day-of the initial suspension), got the OAuth error again, then got another message and suspicious activity, got another password change prompt, and changed it again.

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

Some of the best ping I've ever had to Dota's servers was at SeaTac airport waiting for my flight back from TI6, it was like 5 or 8ms.

Nope, was traveling last week but otherwise I mostly have been accessing reddit from my home network.

Account got locked due to perceived suspicious activity, unable to log back on after password reset.

Hey all,

Been loving RR for a nearly a year now, but yesterday I got an email form Reddit saying that my account was suspended due to some "technical irregularities" detected on my account and required a password reset. Haven't noticed anything weird, but I reset it just in case.

After the reset, it logged me out of all devices I was logged in on. Usual stuff for password resets, but when I went to log back via the third party app authorizer RR directs me to, it now returns an OAuth error which stops me from adding my account to the app.

After using the official Reddit app for about 5 minutes, I need to go back. It's worse than I imagined: bloated, ad-ridden, algorithmically inserted garbage. Any ideas on how to get around the OAuth error when adding an account?

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

Last time I played it I was able to insta-queue into a game at Lord rank.

I'm still rocking a MOD-t, which I know isn't the best lol. I'll have to dial in PETG settings for it and see how that works out.

I've had some issues getting ball joints working with PLA (no give/too rigid). Has anyone had success getting this together/functioning well with PLA?

lol no problem, I missed part one and just kept going. You've got a great style!

These are so good! Went back to check the other parts of this series and those are great too! As is your Dota art, great game taste!

There are parts of this fight recently that are straight up unreadable. Binged the whole manga a few months ago and the dropoff has been VERY noticeable.

Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon and the sequel were also some B-list rental classics

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

No worries, Kanna will get put in the pipeline with Anessix, Hobgen, Rix, Silent, Vanessa, Sorla Khan, Enno, and all the rest of the Artifact/Underlords gang 🥲

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

Probably a Persona, if anything

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

I think it also depends if Timado stays on with OG or if they roll the dice with another carry. They won't be at DreamLeague 23 or PGL Wallachia, so they have some time to consider before the TI + Riyadh qualifiers kick off.

:teamliquid: Reppin' since 2013

Even though it had been a while since a Dota Summit, they were a big part of growing the T2 Americas + SEA scene with their BTS Pro Series tournaments. They went more or less right up until the end (last round was January 2023).

Golden Week is coming up in Japan, so if it wasn't this week it'd definitely be the next.