"Automatic tips" which the customer actively needs to remove should be illegal


Soulslikes are not just about the difficult bosses though. Sadly they often get reduced to that in arguments. It's about exploring and navigating a vast and hostile fantasy world, discovering new areas and finding secrets, finding new equipment and spells, deciding how you build your character, ressource management, risk management, unraveling the lore, and much more. All of that in an impressive dark fantasy setting that is brimming with atmosphere, and accompanied by a phenomenal soundtrack.

And Elden Ring changed a critical aspect of the formula. It's not semi-linear anymore, now you can do stuff in almost any order (with very few checkmarks and multiple ways to get to certain points), it's a HUGE open world now, bigger than all other Soulslikes combined, with tons of ways to progress. And if you can't beat a boss, you can just leave and go explore somewhere else, and come back at a later point when you are stronger or have new options at your disposal. There is much more freedom and creativity how you can fight and overcome challenges. At the very least you should give Elden Ring a chance🙂. One of the best videogames ever made. It is a true spectacle worth experiencing.


The gameplay just does not click with me at all. For me it's super boring and way too basic. It's no fun. The story and characters are good though. And I absolutely love the soundtrack.

That title goes to Didd Kong Racing. Still a fun game🙂

Yeah, that would see play, in some way, shape or form.

Most likely because jet skiing is still considered a pretty obscure and niche sport, it always has been. Even though Wave Race is very arcady, and more a funracer than a simulator. People mostly prefer regular racing games with cars, snowboard racers like SSX, sci-fi racers like F-Zero, or fun racers like Mario Kart. But Wave Race Blue Storm is a good game indeed.

It's unlikely, but not impossible. We would need a caiman expert to verify. Even for enthusiastic fans, it can be hard to tell the difference between those three species, if we can't see a clear shot of the full body outside of the water.

Google search: Which caimans are preyed on by jaguars

Google answer: The spectacled caiman and jacaré caiman exist in large populations in South American swamplands (like the Llanos and the Pantanal) where jaguars roam. Their sheer numbers make them a convenient prey source for these wild cats, who are very comfortable in the water.

So it's most likely either a spectacled or jacaré, but hard to tell which one exactly, because they are pretty similar. As far as I know, jaguars usually avoid lakes and swamps where black caimans live, because they are bigger, better armored, more powerful and more agressive than other caimans. It's a totally different beast. Not worth the risk, since the jaguar could end up becoming the meal instead.

I'm convinced there is no logic or reasoning when it comes to downvotes on reddit. It's completely random. Not worth to worry about.

That's very nice indeed. But why are you explaining to us: "I can otherwise reach it if I cared enough"? Did someone say you would not be able to? Or do you want to get rid of any potential doubts of the random reddit strangers pre-emptively? Don't worry about stuff like that, mate. Nobody is doubting you, kay?🙂👍

You got most of the very greatest N64 games in one swoop, very nice. If you never played any of them, I recommend to start with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time :)

An emotionally intelligent parent, very nice to see. Understanding and reassuring, making their child feel at ease about sensitive matters. That's how it always should be.

Jimbei is the true MVP of WCI, and I can explain why.

  1. He saved Luffy and Nami from Mont d'Ors prison

  2. He rescued Brook from Big Moms grasp, and Nami at the same time while she tried to save Brook.

  3. He gave Nami, Brook, Chooper and Carrot some important pep talk after they mourned Pedros death, raising their morale in a critical and desperate moment.

  4. He demonstrated supreme helmsmanship when they got chased by Big Moms Fleet, saving all of the characters mentioned above multiple times. He made the Sunny dodge multiple swordslashes from Smoothie and succesfully took the massive wave created by Perospero. Both of these attacks would have ended them otherwise.

  5. He contested Big Mom when she jumped on the Sunny, and succesfully got her off the ship with his Vagabond Drill.

  6. After Sanji brought back Luffy to the Sunny, and they wanted to escape BMs territory, Jimbei stayed back (with his former crew) and held off Big Moms fleet, stopping them from further pursuing the strawhats.

Brook did some good stuff too, but it doesn't compare to Boss Jimbei. Saving everyone again and again is way more valuable than getting a copy of a porneglyph and shattering a picture.

What the... I would appreciate an explanation for the downvotes, just out of curiosity.

This card is more flexible than Chaos Angel in a way, because it doesn't need a Dark/Light as the non tuner. Most times you want to banish monsters anyway. The float and the target negate are pretty nice, and should not be underestimated. A free huge body is always nice, and there's a lot of targeting going on. With Baronne banned, I can see this would become a staple in decks that make Syncho 10s. Not super oppressive, but still very strong. And I'm not a fan of generic strong extradeck cards. Just look where we are today.

Very cool idea, but to prevent that it's easily abused in every deck that can make Synchros, it should have the additional cost that you have to banish either "Red Dragon Archfiend" or "Stardust Dragon" from your extradeck to summon it. Then it would force you to commit more extradeck slots, making it a bit less generic in a sense.


Waren die Bananen wirklich vergammelt? Also war Schimmel sichtbar, oder hatte die Schale Risse und sie waren von Fruchtfliegen befallen? Nur weil Sie braun oder schwarz sind, heißt es nicht dass sie schlecht sind, solange die Schale intakt ist. Man kann sie dann noch wunderbar als Milch-Shake genießen. Und wenn man merkt dass Sie sich langsam dem Vergammeln annähern, kann man sie in den Kühlschrank stellen. Dort halten sie dann noch ein paar Tage länger und sind auch sicher vor Fruchtfliegen.

If you really like challenging Jump and Runs (and DK), you should buy both. They are really good games.

You mean Donkey Kong Country Returns? If you have not bought it before on another system, then yes. It's a great game. And if you enjoy it, you can go ahead and buy Tropical Freeze too, which is even better👍

Skies of Arcadia Legends & Eternal Darkness