It’s from the MK universe but Raiden. Also, Ophelia sounds so beautiful.

Low-key hilarious. Can’t breathe? I see you have problems with authority.

ITT women not being believed by doctors and being given all kinds of outlandish diagnoses.

This is dangerous. Discontinuation of the antipsychotic, had you taken it, could have been very bad. Dodged a bullet and then some.

Feline AIDS (FIV) is survivable for up to a decade. All that vets recommend is that you only let the cat around other FIV positive cats only. So many Instagram cats I follow have FIV.

Mail Fraud, according to Ben Franklin.

Happy 248th Birthday, U.S. Postal Inspection Service

Our mission began at the birth of the nation. As America's oldest federal law enforcement agency, we're celebrating 248 years of protecting the U.S. mail, the U.S. Postal Service, and its customers and employees.

Could a simpler solution not be implemented with a camera that sends pictures to your cellphone, like home security cameras? It could just send a picture five minutes after no motion and all doors locked and require a passkey to disable for the current session. Like a glorified baby monitor.

People who want to make out in cars could just cover the camera.

Shouldn’t be a big deal to manufacture and could be a required accessory for a few dollars.

Absolutely anecdotal but I have a low-spec M1 powered MacBook Air. It turned out I needed to edit video for a project, 4K 10bit video. My circle that owns much more powerful and dedicated editing rigs said it couldn’t be done, as in, I wouldn’t be able to load a live video timeline and scroll around. On Resolve.

Well guess what. It ran perfectly smoothly, and I was able to seek as I wanted and edit as needed.

This was not possible in my Intel powered MacBook Pro. Glitched far too much to be of use.

Of course the M1 wasn’t perfect by any means but it outperformed my expectations by a country mile.

Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Bi Gan. Wasn’t the same person after watching it.

Tree of Life by Terence Mallick. Such a profound meditation on memory and loss. I was bawling by the end of it.

If they’re getting funded, it means funding is necessary for their survival. While one cannot control their accounts in Iran, one can very well cut off their supply in allied countries- supply that lets them purchase weapons and more importantly pay the fighters and the logistics chain, their food and board and travel and such. Iran is part of the international banking system and as such has to maintain some level of transparency.

Although clearly it is undaunted as far, perhaps not enough has been done, or perhaps the work is in progress but it’s difficult. Iran also counterbalances a lot of forces in the region, that could be one reason for going soft on their proxies.

Here is some detail on how the US responded financially after 9/11 which involves Saudi Arabia, a nation-state as well as irregular sources of AQ funding.

I’m not the expert in the AMA but from the papers I’ve read it appears that the singular most effective tactic remains freezing accounts of terrorists and severely limiting their financial power to the extent of vetting all cash transactions in affected areas. Financial vigilance is something member states can add to without expanding their budget by a significant amount. Non-members can also participate in this without the burden of being in a declared alliance.

What is the current view on nuclear doctrine with respect to China (given an intervention for Taiwan) and Russia (given a definitive defeat in the war against Ukraine)?

For the latter, has Western Europe strategised on their own nuclear options, given France has a triad and the UK has at least two of the systems in place?

Is there any nation that is expected to follow a strike first policy among hotspots in the world especially Southeast Asia?

How escalatory are “tactical nukes” used perhaps as an airburst weapon in a close battlefield? How developed are the nukes abd the doctrines for this purpose?

Do you expect more states to have the nuclear option in the near future? Or are we in a stable age?

Further, there was a lot of noise made about non-state actors using enriched nuclear fuel to make dirty bombs. Is that threat still viewed as credible?

Thank you for your work and your patience. May we build a safer world together.

A tragedy of our times. Let us never forget the departure of the app for the self-lacing shoe and the all the bittersweet memories it has brought us, each memorable in their own way.

Watch over us like angels, Adapt.

Do also entertain the idea that you may not have met the kind of people who will appreciate your obviously kind and interesting personality. Sometimes we’re in an ocean of dead fish and it’s not our fault. I had a change of environment and now I have more company than I can keep up with, while previously I felt so alone it almost seemed conspiratorial.

Also see if you can join a film club. I swear to god we can’t shut up.