I have more hope than ever because when Trump was president, no inflation, no wars, world respect. Since Biden was installed, dissenting voices have been silenced, media has mercilessly promoted and covered for one side, treating those of us who think like second class citizens. We have been loving under a dictatorship for the past three years. Because you agree with the dictator doesn't negate the fact.

You do know Ashley Biden verified her father showered with her.

There's several people who routinely post here who are beyond rude and viciously attack anyone who has a differing opinion. They seem to hate anyone religious, conservative, or free-thinking. It is beyond me why they watch a show they hate that is in a red state in the Bible Belt, and then proceed to belittle the girls and other people who post if they don't drink their tea. Reddit or not, they ruin the forum for everyone else.

This is hard! But my choices are:

Bette Davis Joan Crawford Jean Harlow

Clark Gable William Powell Lionel Barrymore

Then vote for the barely alive, doddering old fool who can't finish a sentence. The only reason he wasn't charged in his illegal documents case was because he was an old, confused man. Apparently they're above the law.

Have you seen foreign media from at least four countries I know of who joke about Biden? Have you seen the rallies held in other countries supporting Trump? Do you know Trump did more for our country's diplomatic relations since Reagan? And you think supporting a lying, dementia-riddled man who has access to the nuclear codes is not embarrassing?

I obviously don't know where you're from but the world is ridiculing Biden. Whether you like him or not, Trump is a competent leader and cares about our country. Biden is not.

Thankfully she's a MAGA and not for the bumbling, incoherent, showers-with-his-daughter lying buffoon who was barely coherently in tonight's debate

She's not only beautiful and talented but smart too!

Totally agree with you, OP. This forum is nothing but hating bullies who condemn anyone who is religious and conservative. So much for all-accepting, non-judgemental liberals.

If she's a Trump supporter, that elevates her in my eyes.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I've unfollowed this forum too. Let the haters have it.

It's awful how this forum is nothing more than a sling fest toward the show, the girls, and fellow people who post. Why do they watch the show if they hate everything about it? They must lead sad, miserable lives to spout hate towards everybody.

A tribute to Nicole Kidman 2024? A movie from 2002?

TCM has definitely moved away from its past programming content.