Oh 100%. Since that first time I visited, I’ve tried Nana’s and some others. Serrelli’s will be the next one I try.

These were basically my middle school/high school years. 96 through 98 were spent at the lake or the pool. I’d wake up, get my chores done, and find a clean bathing suit.

99-00 I had a job and that was the beginning of the end. 😂

:txthink:Secessionists are idiots

Nope. Totally legal.

Aid access and Elevated Access are two other good groups to donate to. Elevated Access gets folks private flights to legal states for abortion and gender affirming care.

My first time in Chicago I wanted to try all the “Chicago things”. The food that Chicago created. We hit up quite a few touristy places, Portillos included.

Now that I visit regularly and plan to move, I’ve been able to branch out and find gems in specific neighborhoods.

I imagine it’s the time constraint for tourists as well. You’re trying to fit so much in but have little time.

Portland, ME

Rome, GA (it’s a college town but convenient af)

Portsmouth, NH

Anne Arbor, MI

Temecula, CA

Las Cruces, NM

Indianapolis is wasn’t horrible.

This is very reminiscent of 3 years ago when folks with your attitude were saying “you’re so paranoid. They’ll never get rid of Roe”.

Anyone said Meow Wolf yet? The prices may not be great though.

Revolutionary History gets pretty wild when you read about The Culper Ring.

“Washington’s Secret Six” by Brian Kilmeade is a great read.

So avoid paying for a whole ass human who is here? These guys can go back to court and ask for a lower payment if they can’t buy food. Sorry, that’s a bad take you’ve got. Men aren’t helpless victims here. They have recourse.

Are we going to increase taxes to pay for these kids? Because if we don’t, we have a bunch of dead or starving homeless people out and about.

Half of men (statistically speaking) pay child support in a regular basis, so are we raising their taxes?

Just wondering because I’m a tax payer who doesn’t want to pay for these kids when they could be aborted or paid for via the court system.

Working under the table won’t help some people since the court can take earning POTENTIAL and not just flat earnings. So that’s not always a great idea.

My sister’s ex husband tried to do that before he bolted to WA state. He’s a truck driver though so the judge told him to go find a fucking job.

JFK once said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”

So let’s fucking do this.

I think this might be the first Fourth where I feel like a GD American.

I feel that fighting spirit.

“The way they want to live their lives anyway”

Until they make a mistake. These chucklefucks don’t understand that the room to make mistakes doesn’t exist in a regime.

How lovely for the people currently needing abortions in Texas. Hey, folks in Cali still have them so what’s the big deal?

Fuck I fucking hate you fucks.

Yes. People did say that. To my face.

Please do not tell me my own life experience.

Just like “Roe won’t be overturned. You’re paranoid and fear mongering”.

I love this energy but we may not have another election if Voldemort gets elected.

What are you 12? I'm not responsible for your happiness anymore than you are responsible for mine.

Why should women take time out of their lives, use their emotional energy, and possibly their money, to help lonely guys?

It's not my responsibility to make you feel good about your life. Pretty sure that's your mom's job.

This is why I’m going to live as long as I can and die in a trailer near a mountain.

The government is gonna be busy cleaning all of our bodies up.

I just hit my 40s and the amount of women my age who have NO IDEA that I'm either in perimenopause or around the corner from it is baffling. It really shines a light on the amount of sexism medicine had in the past, and now women aren't even informed.

"What's perimenopause?" is a regular question I'm asked.

They don't even know the life cycles of their own bodies and it's shameful since I live in a supposedly "developed" country.