Stealing from Walmart does little to nothing to them as they are insured and it's built into their bottom line. However, at the least, customers now have to waste their time waiting for someone to open cases to get the underwear, makeup, razors, etc they went there shopping for. In more extreme cases where theft is high, customers are left with empty shelves, reduced options, or stores closing all together. They are in business to make a profit, not lose money or just break even by allowing theft.

So people that post questions like this think theft is sticking it to some billionaire CEO, while in the end it's costing people jobs and limiting options for people that rely on both to get by.

And you automatically assume this is the case. Typical feminist talking points. My wife and I contribute equally, though I usually do more of the general chores around the house, including yard work, because my job offers a bit more freedom when I work.

Nope. Hella disrespectful. I'm not someone's pet and don't have a BDSM or dom fantasy.

Born and raised in Utah, though have been living in California for the past 10 yrs. Even if I end up in Cali for the rest of my life, I will never say I'm from California. I may say I live here, but that's the extent of it.

EXTRA Redpilled :EXTRA-Redpilled-emoji:

Nothing new. I was told years ago by a Home Depot Store Manager that applying for an open position at his store(lateral move) when I was thinking about moving states was basically pointless because his store was behind on their diversity quota because their management team had too many white males and he couldn't hire another one

Absolutely! Meta, X, etc. should all be deemed hazardous to your health. Social media is a cancer and should be labeled with CA Prop 65 warning

Unless you are in California, then the McDonald's job will be gone soon either by automation or because they closed up shop.

I feel ya. I was iffy on ID until I saw them in concert. They do a pretty good show. The rest, I'm pretty sure will be on perm replay in hell.

EXTRA Redpilled :EXTRA-Redpilled-emoji:

It may have been an opinion piece, but too many of their core watchers take it as gospel. Hell, all I seem to see from 90% of the mass media outlets are opinion pieces nowadays. Legit unbiased journalists went the way of Hoffa.

And now I'm just sitting here at 44 wondering what rock y'all were living under. Imagine Dragons and Kings of Leon seemed to be on just about every station in my later 20's and early 30's.

Better educated doesn't necessarily mean better qualified. That's where many millennials miss often the bar. The 4-6 years that "better educated" Millennials spent in school were often years in the workforce for Boomers. That's a significant amount of time early to midway through a career and can translate to higher wages. Not only that but, college doesn't directly translate to experience in most jobs, so that extra time in the job market Boomers had in comparison can be an even more significant difference.

Another thing that makes a diff is that many Boomers weren't hella picky on what job they would take. They understood you have to pay your dues and work your way up. Whether it's in your job description or not, Boomers would often go the extra mile to prove themselves. That was the work culture at the time and they put up with a lot more than Millennials are often willing to deal with. There was no "quiet quitting." You just sucked it up and dealt with it, knowing that it would likely pay off down the road.

No. At one point in his 50+ year political career, he might have had a clue what he was doing even though his only real notable accomplishment was the Crime Bill in the 90s. Had BBB been passed as written, it would have made the eventual collapse of the economy a deeper nosedive. Every administration since the mid 2000s has seen more expenditures than receipts, but all we seem to hear nowadays is spend, spend, spend. Even "taxing the rich" would not make up for the rampant overspending.

Most celebrities, but the one that tops the cake is Taylor Swift. She comes across as hella fake to me. I'm just waiting for her Travis Kelce break-up song to be released. It's like she only dates people to make annoying songs about them after they split.

Now all the Swifties can start flaming my post.

Wrong. At most places we've been to over the past few years, the host is typically the one bringing us water and drinks, the server takes our order, while someone else brings it out. You can make all the assumptions you want. My average minimum tip is $20-25 when my wife and I go out, more when the family goes out, so you can drop the attitude with me saying servers need to earn their tip.

If they did all that, then yeah they get a good tip... if they don't have an attitude. Not everyone does all that At most sit down restaurants we've frequented the last few years, the host/hostess brings us menus, waters and drinks, the server takes our orders, someone else usually brings out the food, then the server brings the check. Rarely do we have one server that takes care of us the whole visit and we are lucky if anyone says more than two words to us. It's far from the friendly service we used to see.

Again, I'm a generous tipper, but recently many of the servers, especially the younger ones, have attitudes. You give me attitude, roll your eyes, etc., you get the tip you deserve. You say my "precious $2" and I'll respond you're damn right! I worked for that $2 and so should the server. Considering when we do go out to eat, my minimum average tip is $20-25 and we rarely stay more than 90 min, so someone making $18/hr plus tips just made $32/hr - $35/hr from my table alone.

Totally get it. I'm a generous tipper, however, basic service equals a basic tip. I never stiff a server, but you also aren't getting a 15%-20%+ tip for just taking my order, bringing me a drink, and taking my payment. That's the same service I get from a cashier at a fast food place. Provide me with good service, show me that you appreciate me as a customer, and you'll get a good tip. Show me that I made a good choice to come to your restaurant and that you appreciate my business, and you'll definitely get rewarded. Do the bare minimum and make me feel like I'm an inconvenience, and your tip will reflect your effort.

Never said it was for places like New York and California. $2.23 server wage back in the day wasn't meant to be the primary source of income and that's why the 15% standard tip amount was a thing as it was the server's primary source of income so people were more likely to pay it even for subpar service. With server min wages now equaling the same min wage as everyone else, 15%+ tips are now a bonus for providing good to great service. Where you may have gotten away with basic service 10 years ago, there is now a higher expectation. You provide the bare minimum service, you get a tip that equals your effort. I am a generous tipper, but you have to work for it. Like I said before, just taking my order and bringing me a check does not constitute a 15% or more tip, especially if someone else brings out my food. And if I feel like you are just running through the motions and could care less about me as a customer, that 15% becomes 10% or even 5%. I don't tip the person that stocks the shelves at the grocery store, yet they provide me a more valuable service than a server that only takes my order and my payment. A cashier could do that.

Gone are the days in many areas of $2.25 plus tips where people live off tips. I still tip here in CA where servers are making $18-20/hr, but I now have higher expectations of the service. If they give bare min service, they aren't getting a 15-20% tip like many push for. Lucky if they get 10%. Making that much per hour, you aren't getting 20-25% for just taking my order and bringing me the check, while someone else brings put the food.

Honestly, I'd say blame it on the places asking for tips everywhere you go. People asking for a 20% tip at McDonald's, gas stations, even self checkouts, have made people more discriminating about who they top and the level of service expected to EARN one.

Even though it's not a selection, I selected and got Frigate from the 10 yr scrolls. I think the 10 yr scrolls are actually using the selections because I've gotten multiple elemental and LD selections from them. Sure RNG but the probability of getting 3 selected units with 50 scrolls is not high.

With the buff, I'm having a blast in PVE with Frigate.

Living in California, many have the same feeling about the current administration, Gavin Newsom, etc. People have become so complacent that they aren't willing to do their own research on the topics. To be fair, most media outlets have become so biased that it can be difficult to know the truth without quite a bit of digging.

MAGA Republicans are only a portion of conservatives, yet all conservatives are lumped in with them by the left. Just like when Liberals were being lumped in with ANTIFA at one point. The most extremes of both sides are seen by the other to represent the entirety of the party while they make up only a portion.

That's where this country is going wrong. The majority of the people in the US are being labeled as their political party extremes, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

The border law was largely tied to funding of the war in Ukraine. There was a lot more in that bill than strictly border funding. They slipped things in there that they knew wouldn't fly, then vilified the opposition for pushing back on it.