As a married polyamorous father of two, (I have my own car) all of this is not only in my dating profiles, but they’re also the FIRST thing I mention when I start messaging to make CERTAIN they read my profile.

Why waste everyone’s time? The women who aren’t into it move on, and the ones who are into it dig on that kinda communication.

This was my experience with a rescue as well. My wife brought home a kitten that age, maybe a little younger. Bit the absolute shit out of my feet in the middle of the night for the first year. Just an absolute TERROR.

Fast forward about a year and she mellowed WAY out. Now 10 years later she’s the chillest companion ever

I think this question is going to become more and more relevant. There are many of us out there asking it, and that number is only growing. The waste created is of substantial volume, and though the whole “trash it and move on” attitude is easy and practical for the individual, for those of us with a wider and longer perspective it’s not a good answer. I know it’s not a popular topic on here, but there are communities where it is.

This is where these pieces of absolute shit belong; in the most dystopian place possible. I hope the owner gets dragged behind it, but considering it’s likely in the shop by now I doubt that’s on the table.

Everything is doomed to extinction my guy. To take your problem and extrapolate to the extreme, eventually the universe will stop expanding and then POP! Humanity becomes extinct (along with every atom in the universe). In order to continue to exist, we must find our way into a different universe, over and over again, until every universe is just jam packed with humanity. And even then, all things must come to an end.

My dude, it’s best not to ruminate on such things. If you must, then I suggest taking a tract that doesn’t involve running away from the problems. Yes, we will all die someday. Start to find ways to make this one lifetime be enough.

People still give this tool money? Incredible. This MUST be some deep financial conspiracy surrounding tax breaks or money laundering or something, because there’s ZERO logic to trusting him to deliver any other than hot garbage and lies.

I mean, that’s a THIRTY SIX inch ruler. $70 isn’t that bad for precision at that length. And these are valuable tools to have. Now I just need a 36” print bed

Paul, race car driving, cool hand Luking, mother fucking Newman? Ya bud. Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.

Oh for sure! I wish someone had told me what you did about that first print. It was indeed the best one for a while lol

The big boys make these prints easier, I imagine

Although you’re absolutely right on all counts, OP can take pride in a machine well built. Bed leveled, etc.

I hear that. But now I’m curious. Do I just need to rack on a halfway decent GPU?

What do I need to upgrade for Ondsel?Build Upgrade

I’m new to CAD and I have an older PC

I’d like to teach myself Ondsel, as it seems like it will be translatable to other skills down the line. I’m broke, but I’ve got a setup with dual Xeon Processors, 24 total cores, and 128 GB of DDR4. I have lightweight Quadro P400. I’d like to be able to run this in a VM, but it’s hard to track down any actual system suggestions. Any help would be appreciated

I’m new to CAD and I have an older PC

I’d like to teach myself Ondsel, as it seems like it will be translatable to other skills down the line. I’m broke, but I’ve got a setup with dual Xeon Processors, 24 total cores, and 128 GB of DDR4. I have lightweight Quadro P400. I’d like to be able to run this in a VM, but it’s hard to track down any actual system suggestions. Any help would be appreciated

This dude’s post and comment history makes it clear he has some powerfully incel attitudes. And likely a hole in his basement.

What is the solution to tangled filament. Can you just unspool it and redo it? How do you manage the tension? I imagine that’s a consideration