Liberals because who else is going to walk around in flip flops, shit and piss in the parking spots, and take their breaks in the fuel line.

Lol probably the same rule that keeps trying to make my car pass traffic that’s stopped at red lights in the oncoming lane.

It’s all gambling. You can try to improve your odds but sometimes shit happens.

Just wait til he finds out about 2x4s

Just call DOT, take a picture of the door with information on the truck and it’ll clear up this problem in a hurry.

Hell you’ll probably get DOT wait for them to get back in their truck with it and put an end to it on the spot.

Slow down and do an actual pretrip. Look at the satellite view on google maps of the places you’re going to be turning into.

I just put mine in the garage so I don’t have to worry about anything. Glad people still are having fun with fireworks.

Probably a lot better than driving the truck like a car lol. I always think wow my cars steering wheel is soo small.

I live in Ohio where I can choose which public school anywhere in state that my child goes to. I’d say move to a state that allows you to make a school choice.

I don’t know you and I don’t trust you to move anything near me while I’m doing anything. But everyone’s in a rush to sit and wait hours to get loaded and unloaded.

I’d just let him pull out. I never heard anyone one say man I wish there was less room.

Space Truckin’ damn right I would. Maybe they have real lot lizards on mars.

People get salty over time. People love to complain when things are bad and don’t praise when things are good.

I have a Model Y it’s a POS. I haul anything on a trailer 1/2 my range is gone. Add in temps under 40 and lost 75%+.

But saying anything on a Tesla forum outside the cars are amazing is against the cult rules.

Revenue Generators need an actual probable cause, traffic infraction or visibly see a violation to actually conduct a DOT inspection outside of weigh stations.

Yeah is basically huge supply of drivers, low freight. Once more drivers start leaving the market from low will start to correct itself. I don’t see freight improving anytime soon outside of some crazy economic boom.

Supply and demand. Truckers and companies got fat on Covid rates. Increased their spending habits. More people get CDLs because bonus YouTube O/O and lease people saying they’re making 10k+ a week.

Market slows. New drivers keep coming in. People with leases start failing and looking for company. Yellow and small companies start failing. The hogs got/ are getting slaughtered.

Now you got tons of trucks and drivers fighting to be the lowest bidder. And with a bunch of experienced truckers looking for jobs companies don’t have to offer higher rates to attract them.

Here’s your red flag, doing something this ridiculously stupid is called foreshadowing.

You use 50% more power once temps drop below 32. The inability to adjust regen makes driving in snow packed roads sketchy. I’d say it’s by far the worst car I’ve driven in icy conditions with snow tires. My heat has gone out 3 times taking 30-60 days to get fixed. Living in Northern Michigan makes the car undrivable without heat.

If the cars parked outside in freezing rain it’s fun beating the car door, window and handle trying to open the door after it’s frozen shut. Even after you turned defrost mode on a hour earlier. Your coworkers will point and laugh and ask you about your life decisions

Summer it’s great. It’s a California car. AC is great and you’ll possibly have a chance of meeting or beating teslas claimed range. Dog mode is great especially when I travel with my husky.

Had my Model Y for a little over 3 years. 13 months of that time, car was undrivable waiting on Tesla service repairs. It’s actually at a service center right now getting a wire harness replaced for the 4th time because of corrosion.

I wouldn’t recommend one to anyone that isn’t going to have a second car. I’ve spent more on maintenance, insurance and tow bills than I have ever spent on any of my other cars.

Wait til you’re on the highway going 75 and it gets messed up by an overpass sets speed to 45 and slams the brakes.

Why do I need 7 cars and 2 homes? Because I can and I did things to be successful.

It’ll be like CK3. No content and releasing worse versions of dlc CK2 had.