These two are seriously such one dimensional miserable losers.

My fav thing Jersey ever did was have the football wife at the reunion just to basically edit her out. The camera wasn’t even panning over to her

She used to actually be out in the world. Going to events and restaurants. Now she sits in her car and shoves McDonald’s fish fillets down her throat

Somehow this aligns perfectly with her faux spiritual shit.

Imagine all your baby photos were just selfies and you’re sitting there cold purple and annoyed

Getting rid of Noella and having no one to piss off Heather was a mistake. I need to see her rattled

What’s more relevant than be invited to a show and being dressed by the designer?

There’s really nothing to be embarrassed about for her. She’s clearly been embraced by the fashion world. She’s been front row at so many shows and being dressed by designers for numerous events. People can hate but she’s out here having fun.

The shows have always featured very dark themes, crime and fake wealth. The only difference is looking back through the rose colored glasses of nostalgia.

SLC, and Miami recent seasons have been top tier and would rival the “glory days” of the show and ratings have picked up with the last season of BH being the highest rated since 2014.

This is Kelly we’re talking about. It’s very possible he refused to sign because the terms of the prenup she presented were insane.

Does she mean you can’t get help for cheap in the U.S.? Because private chefs and drivers definitely exist.

Google tells me that Luann quote was in response to Bethenny leaving the show. Is Danielle hinting at a casting decision?

Has there been any announcements about next season? The no reunion thing doesn’t sounds like they all might be exiting.

The whole attitude of feeling like you need to “punish” someone for acting poorly on reality tv is so weird. The comments on her post are incredibly harsh and the app reviews that have nothing to do with the app have real consequences for her business.