It's not a technique, junior! It's a weapon spirit.

"And that's where I bring MY hookers."

"why don't you go dance with her? You seemed pretty chummy the other day."

And so he did.

I don't recommend it. I lost mine fingering a jade beauty. It was hard to get it out.

Oops!!! I didn't expect these people to walk into my leg shaking orgasmic formation.

Aww!! It took a liking to your junior brother. Don't mistake a kiss to hostility.

You're wrong. It's as real as the flat earth and unbreakable solid sky.

What you talking about? It's clearly a montage of candid shots from my sect.

Explains how the skeleton ended up dead.

Yeah he had to step down because he was accused of being a demonic cultivator.

It didn't make sense to me because it is a demonic sect. Isn't it?

Except for the fact that he has her spirit, she was never to be seen.

I agree. That's all she does. She is so annoying. But it clearly seems like they are setting her up to be a FMC. I liked the fact that this story didn't have much romance. It's more similar to the magic emperor.

But recently, I was getting bored of it. Although, I am following, I am also waiting for interesting things to happen. I am waiting for the MC to start scheming.

My senior sister told me he will continue to be loose after she's done with him. Not really sure what it means though. My senior sister is really profound. Hard to understand her for an outer disciple like me. She just left with a spiked mace saying she'll look for him.

Oh! Come on! He gave her 4th grade meditation room in the secret demonic realm. Like she will ever feel grateful about it. He only ever had sex with her while she fooled around sullying his name.

Also, I really didn't understand why he didn't use the second opportunity for himself. It's strange.

Yan ruyu only shows up when he goes back to the sect. I like her but I don't see them having sex anytime soon.

What do you xie daoyun has more screen time than xinci? Did you stop reading? She disappeared after giving him the flowery spirit. She truly loves him.

While qin xinci only complains why she isn't his flowery spirit. What's she on? She even manipulated a girl in the name of love into joining her stupid sect.

In fact, I like Ge Huayu's dad more than qin xinci. At least, he truly cares about his son despite removing the mind wedge.

He's got ancient phoenix blood in his veins. Never call him that again if you value your life. Not even sect master can save you.

Why is he furious though? He can join too. And so can you. I didn't know my 9th rate sect was so famous. What sect do you belong to, junior?

What sect are you from brother? My senior sister wants to come say hi to you. Aww!! She is so friendly.