what did adolf hitler do wrong

I know what you mean. I remember listening to songs like "My Heart Will Go On" and "Only Time" and finding them genuinely touching, but now any time I hear them all I can think is "top 10 saddest anime deaths". One of the unfortunate effects of meme culture ig

Honestly I think this is worse than "Liberty Guns Bible Trump Qanon"

How is she supposed to do the dishes

As much a democratic republic as the Democratic Republic of Korea. It's more of an oligarchy/corporatocracy.

There was a Sonic X episode where the government thought Sonic was a military weapon created by a foreign enemy

"Broadcast yourself"

Yeah, no. More like "broadcast the same kind of crap content you can find on cable TV so YouTube can get money, or get your channel removed for violating the ToS".

Same, been trying to find the name of this game I played when I was like 3; it's one of my earliest memories. It was either on SNES or PS1

This gave me chills, because I know how these dreams are. I once had a similar nightmare about an otherwise normal lost SpongeBob episode that just ended with the characters staring at the camera in pure silence.

Why do all the most autistic schizoids on 4chan come from "not quite white" countries. Then the Eurofags are the "I'm not racist but..." types

In School Days they made the blood black; I thought that worked pretty well

She's not wrong. He could potentially give everyone on earth $10 billion collectively, but if we split it evenly, we'd all just have a dollar