
Yes, I’m sure the people who have been whining about the Democrat nominees who won their primaries with millions of votes will be thrilled if the DNC pulls a candidate out of their ass.


And the GQP agrees with you. They just want to label everything they don’t like ‘Porn’ and or ‘Grooming’

But forcing everyone who wants to access “porn” to upload their I.D. to the site is dumb in and of itself. Just look at our politicians. Trump knew who Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniel’s were. Melania shot some soft core lesbian porn. And Ted Cruz liked some incest porn on on social media once.

Now imagine the, as well as countless other politicians and their kids or other family members, or our military members being ok with “porn” and wanting to look it up all having to and getting used to uploading their I.D. to any and all “porn” sites they want access to.

Well now “porn” sites know which of our military and politicians like to look at porn, and which porn, and have their I.D.s on file. Are these “porn” sites reputable? Are they even American owned? What if they were owned by China, Russia, or N.K. Well now they have dirt to blackmail our military and politicians.

And what if that “porn” is based off GQP principles. So it includes abortion information, sex ed information, LGBTQ+ information or even network TV like Modern Family or movies like Lightyear because they have same sex couples acting line straight couples?

Meanwhile this case actually went to court, while Obama was President. So much for blanket immunity.

And the judge declared that yes, it was legal because….

SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. (a) IN GENERAL.—That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organiza- tions, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.


So sorry, but congress already declared terrorists are fair game.

Maybe the Republicans should quit defending Jihadist terrorists.

$18 import beer. $18

$10 pack of beef jerky x 2. $20

$10 pack of 10 frozen PB&J sandwiches. $10

$3 half gallon jugs of extra sweet tea x 4. $12

Nothing on the receipt indicating anything on sale or discounted

Intentionally pretending this is a normal grocery run and this same crap wouldn’t have been expensive under Trump. Also we’ve already seen people who compared grocery lists from 4 years ago and and reload everything for todays prices and most people’s reactions are, ‘Oh that’s it?’

So $38 worth of beef jerky and import beer. And a $10 10pk of uncrustables for people who can’t buy $5 worth of bread, PB and J to make their own. And packs of expensive name brand granola bars.

Also stuff that’s always been expensive, even under Trump.

It’s also weird that nothing on his receipt indicates anything was on sale. Which means this dumbass intentionally went through a store looking for expensive products. Must be why I have recent receipts with way more items for less, including fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, milk, smoked turkey, ground beef, etc..

And they can sit in Clarkson's pub to talk about it.

I ☑oted 2024

Weird how the people who have been whining since 2016 about 'The DNC selected Hillary in 2016, Biden in 2020, Biden in 2024' want the DNC to just pull some random candidates out of their ass now.

No primary elections. No vetting.

They will be the first people complaining about who the DNC chooses.


Yeah, but Bidens stutter.

Guess I won't vote in November, like I didn't vote in the primaries in 2024, 2020, 2016....


Kamala can just not certify the election like they wanted Pence to do.

Besides, who needs bird flu when Biden can "Official Act" a win.

Sorry, but I don't post on True Socio.

It is MAGA whining because an Al Quaeda terrorist was killed in a drone attack in an Al Quaeda camp overseas.

I guess their concern ended when his 8 year old daughter was shot in the neck in a raid Trump authorized.


A couple months ago I kept running across some of these older models, still new, but discounted more than the newer versions at different online shops.

One story says he's staying in, another says he's dropping out.

Maybe notify your Credit Card company and not just Jomashop. And hopefully they can get you the correct watch and fix the billing. A lot of times it's easier for a company to rebill for the correct shipment and credit for the wrong one

Trump will just take a map of Europe and draw on it with a sharpie "Ukraine East Russia"

And Trumpers never admit Trump is wrong. Not even his Operation Warp Speed which they just pretend never existed because they never whined about the socialism tax dollars to fund research, testing, producing, buying distribution and administration of a vaccine despite the fact that they whine about the vaccine and want to blame everyone else from Soros to Bill Gates to Faucci. Just ignore Trump wanted all the credit and praise for it.

And they ignore when he starts rambling incoherently about sharks boats and batteries. Gotta praise everything Trump says and does.

Unless he suggests getting vaccinated and boosted like he did. Then it's ok to boo him until he shuts up.

These MAGA nuts are in a damned cult.

Ahh.. it's the Never Trumpers and Lincoln Project "grifters"

Trump didn't do any good, any GOP candidate would have appointed 3 SCROTUS justices. And the wall was a pointless waste of tax dollars, even families and kids were able to get past Trump's border which is why he had some to separate and lock up. He just gaslights the GQP into thinking the border was sealed up.

He's busy with all the Thoughts and Prayers.


And we’ve been told Covid and the strike caused huge delays and cut seasons short, but double the actual runtime live action shows filmed on location in New York for commercial broadcast TV somehow managed to have 16 episodes and Covid only delayed new seasons a month or two, only the strike pushed them back to the start of the new year.



Maybe getting a few commercial breaks to go run to the bathroom or grab a drink isn’t such a bad thing, since streaming seems to find a way to shove commercials in anyway unless you pay more.

No, I'm voting for the best choice out of the two we have.

That's a big difference.

While you choose to defend people not showing up to vote in primaries. Then whining about the candidates who were elected. And defending non voters decision to not vote again.

How's not voting working out for you?

Clinton, W, and Trump were all born in 1946. Hillary & Romney were born in 1947, Al Gore was born in 1948. John Kerry was born in 1943.

The top 4 Democrats in the 2020 primaries were born in the 1940s with two being older than Biden. And all got over 2.5 million votes. Mayor Pete didn't get a million votes and came in 5th place.

McCain was born in the 30s and Obama was born in 1961. But other than those two the past 32 years were mainly people born in the 1940s

I don't think the Democrat primaries in 2020 brought out 40 million voters. Yet 81 million votes for Biden in November. The extra could have chosen a whole different candidate, but they don't show up.

My biggest fear isn't that people don't want to vote for Joe Biden.

So you're wrong.

The system is that people get the candidate they vote for. If your choice couldn't get 20 million to show up for a primary that happens every 4 years, that's not my problem. Neither of these two candidates are my first choice.

But they are the only possible choices that could possibly win in November. And voters picked them, against the people who chose to run against them.

And since both have been President, and we already know Biden has done a much better job than Trump did, despite all the people whining that they wanted someone else and that they are both too old for the past 4 years or so.

Hell, Trump's been the worst President this century, the worst the past 50 years. But maybe you just think he needs another chance.

So she believes in whatever she bullshit she can spew and hopes some dumbass will follow her on social media.

Maybe she can do some Ancient Alien theories to explain why beings that can travel across the stars would come to stone age earth and teach stone age man to build stone buildings and monuments to earth animals and rulers.

At least no one will die from viruses or fish tank cleaner. Though maybe someone may drop a 10 ton stone obelisk in themselves or something.